Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Undying

Hi friends, happy Monday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting my review of the sequel to Unearthed, Undying by: Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner.

You can read my review of book one: Unearthed


Undying by: Amie Kaufman & Megan Spooner: Jules and Mia are now trapped on a spaceship on Gaia, where the race, the Undying live. The Undying are set to invade on Earth and take it back, but no one on Earth knows this is going to happen. Once they make it back to Earth… with two Undying in tow, they try to find help, but no one will listen to them. That’s when Jules and Mia must take things into their own hands to try and stop what the Undying have planned for Earth. Taking place right after the events of book one, the sequel takes its readers on a journey through Europe, which was fun, but not enough to hold this reader. This novel had a lot of promise, but sorta fell flat and that ending felt disappointing. After everything these characters went through, it felt like we zipped past the end to ensure everything was going to be alright. All the stakes really meant nothing. The reader was shocked by events that happened close to the end, because it’s not something that happens often… but then what always ends up happening, happened and they were just disappointed. They were also just disappointed by how fast the ending came and it felt like nothing was really told how it got resolved, it just all of a sudden was. This novel definitely took a bit of a left turn in terms of being a sci-fi novel and felt more like a contemporary YA novel instead. Where the first novel had a lot of jargon that was flying over this reader’s head, this novel had none of that. Instead it felt focused on our main character’s love story, and this reader didn’t really care. We just wanted to know who these alien beings were and why they were so deadest on killing humans and possibly invading Earth. We did get those answers, but it just felt buried among other things. The plot was fast-paced and was easy to read… probably because it felt lighter in tone, compared to the first, so the reader was able to make good progress, they just wanted a little more sci-fi and less romance. Even the new characters that were introduced in this novel all had to have some sort of romantic pairing. Speaking of new characters, they were integrated well, and the reader did like their complexity. They were portrayed as the enemy, but were they truly the enemy? And how could they work together to form co-existence, that was really interesting to read; especially when you have two characters who are on polar opposite sides of the spectrum. Even seeing our old characters interact with the new ones was fascinating and really had them open up to one another and face things they never thought they’d face. It definitely made for some interesting points. For the most part, the reader liked these characters, but sometimes it felt like we got surface level with them and we didn’t dig as deep as we could have gotten with them. They weren’t bad characters, just slightly underdeveloped a bit. In the end, this duology had a lot of potential. It probably could have made a great trilogy, if they had expanded a bit more and not rushed the ending off the way the authors did, but it was still an engaging and interesting read, just not exactly what the reader thought it was going to be.

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