Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Oranges are Not the Only Fruit

Hello and welcome to Throwback Thursday! Today I’m going to be going back to a book I had to read in university, Jeanette Winterson’s novel Oranges are Not the Only Fruit.

Read: March 2013
Rating: 3 Stars

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by: Jeanette Winterson: It’s the story of a girl named Jeanette, though not to get confused with the author, who is brought into a home where she is raised to become a missionary. Normally how do plans that your parents set out for you typically go? Never as planned, and this story sure shows that. The eight chapters of the book are named after the first eight books of the old testament of the Bible just to give the reader an insight as to how religious these groups of people met in the story are. If you are not a fan of religion this is probably not the type of book to read. The writing is fast paced for a quick read, and the language is in British slang, and terms so reading it from the perspective of someone else it’s hard to figure out what is going on. Overall it’s an interesting take on religion, and being what your parents (or in this case, mother) want you to be.

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