Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love to Meet

Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is: Authors I’d Love to Meet. Let’s get into it! 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic is Authors I’d Love to Meet.

  1. Stephen King. First and foremost, I would love to meet him. I haven’t a clue what I’d say to him other than, ‘hi’ but it would still be cool.
  2. Maggie Stiefvater. She is so talented and artistic, I’d love to see where she gets all of her inspiration!
  3. John Green. I think he would be a delight to meet.
  4. Amy Stewart. Because I love her Kopp Sisters series, it would be fun to talk about why she chose to write these stories, her inspirations, her research.
  5. Oscar Wilde. If he was still alive…
  6. Rick Riordan. He seems like he’d be fun to meet.
  7. Becky Albertalli. She created such fun and beautiful characters that I bet she’s fun!
  8. Kelley Armstrong. I’ve loved a lot of her books. I had the chance to meet her a few weekends ago, but things didn’t work out; plus she’s Canadian! 😀
  9. Roald Dahl. He wrote a lot of my childhood books, if he was still alive, I would have loved to meet him!
  10. Dr. Seuss. If he was still alive, that would be quite fun!

There you have, what are some authors you’d love to meet?

8 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love to Meet

  1. OMG Roald Dahl! Yes, that would be my dream come true. I would love to meet Haruki Murakami, even if it’s a simple wave from the back of a crowd. 😀
    Good choices by the way!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I actually met Maggie Stiefvater a couple of years ago at YALC and it was amazing. Her signing queue was huge, but she stayed until the end so she could see everyone, and she was just so lovely. I hope you get a chance to meet her one day too Meghan. Also yes to Becky Albertalli as well, she’s one of my favourite YA contemporary authors so it would be incredible to get to meet her. I wish I’d added her to my list for this week. 🙂
    Great picks, and great post too. 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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