Monthly Wrap-Ups

September Wrap-Up

Hi guys! Welcome to the first of October! πŸŽƒ It’s time for yet another recap of the past month! Let’s get into it!

If you missed August’s wrap up, catch it here! After August was a bit of a stress zone, September was a welcoming sight… although it really zipped by, like seriously I don’t remember what happened!

Currently Reading:
The Mark of Athena
‘Salem’s Lot
Fall of Poppies




I started reading The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan, but I had to give it back to the library, so I’m kinda waiting for it to come back. (-this just in: it’s waiting for me at the library, luck right? I may just go out and pick it up after I post this!)
My new Stephen King read for my project… ‘Salem’s Lot, I mapped out is going to take me 35 weeks to complete… so you’ll be seeing it on the next couple of handful of monthly wrap-ups.
I’ve just started reading Fall of Poppies. I currently have no words for it because I literally just started it!

What I read this month:

Damn! I read 13 books this month. I feel like that’s a personal best this year! I am so proud of myself! πŸ˜€

The Dark Days Pact (Lady Helen #2) by: Alison Goodman
Sudden Death by: Álvaro Enrigue
While the City Slept by: Eli Sanders
Salt to the Sea by: Ruta Sepetys
Carrie by: Stephen King
The Forbidden Wish by: Jessica Khoury
Unhooked by: Lisa Maxwell
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games #2) by: Suzanne Collins
Miss Kopp Just Won’t Quit (Kopp Sisters #4) by: Amy Stewart
These Vicious Masks (These Vicious Masks #1) by: Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas
Summerlost by: Ally Condie
Adulthood is a Myth (Sarah’s Scribbles #1) by: Sarah Andersen
Sightwitch (The Witchlands #2.5) by: Susan Dennard




Book Reviews this month:

Blackhearts Duology by: Nicole Castroman
In a Different Key: TheStory of Autism by: John Donvan & Caren Zucker
Sudden Death by: Álvaro Enrigue
While the City Slept by: Eli Sanders
Salt to the Sea by: Ruta Sepetys
The Forbidden Wish by: Jessica Khoury

Currently Watching:











I’m still trying to make my way through Bob’s Burgers, I’m still at season 4. Yup.
All the shows came back the last week of September! The new seasons of all these shows look like it’s going to be good! The Good Doctor has become my new favourite, This Is Us is just so heartwarming… when it isn’t being sad. The Good Place is hilarious! Grey’s Anatomy is my guilty pleasure, I’ve been watching it for so long. How to Get Away With Murder seems to get stranger and stranger, I can’t wait to find out about the murder at Oli & Connor’s wedding! I of course can’t forget Jeopardy! I am obsessed with it!

What I Watched this month:
Season 4ish
Season 1
Seasons 1-4









Season 6
Carrie (2013)
Carrie (2002)


Carrie (1976)







I amΒ still on my journey through Bob’s Burgers. Don’t judge me. I tried really hard to finish season 4 & Netflix kept shutting down so that really didn’t help!

Castle Rock ended mid-September… I… my thoughts are still jumbled but I’m definitely in for season 2!

I literally just ploughed through all four seasons of Black Mirror. No idea how or why, but clearly I enjoyed it.

Elementary just finished another season, and I can’t wait until season 7… in 2019 😝

I watched all 3 versions of Carrie this month… I think I’m all Carrie-d out now.

TV Tuesday Posts:

Riverdale Season One
Game of Thrones Season Seven


Posts from the Month

Music Monday: The Realest & Mad at Myself by: Issues
Music Monday: Anyone Else But You by: Ellen Page & Michael Cera

Top Ten Tuesday: Bingeworthy TVShows/Amazing Movies
Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Fall 2018 TBR

The Sunshine Blogger Award V

I finished my first Stephen King book for my crazy challenge:Β The Stephen King Project: Carrie

My month started out pretty quiet. I’ve gotten back into knitting again after a few months hiatus, as you can see from my photo above, plus if you follow me on Instagram, you can see the day by day progress of my new scarf, that I finished last week! πŸ™‚

My brother and I went to the CNE for the fourth year in a row and had a blast. You can check out our day here!

I got together with my group of friends and we had a movie/game night… which left me with no voice the next day, which just means it was a great night! I made cookies, which means baking season is upon us!!!

Just a few random things that I thought to take photos of:

I liked this saying that was on the back of my yogurt, I thought it to be very true!

I, uh, had some spare time on my hands and someone had given my team Kinder Surprises at work so of course I wanted the toy… I just took the toy to the next level, haha!



I found this really old coin in my change last weekend from 1945 which I thought it was quite fascinating!

Lastly, this past weekend I decided to get myself a new library bag… since my mum has been joining me… and hasn’t been bringing a bag. So I gave her my old one and bought this one! πŸ˜€

I hope you all had a fantastic month.

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