TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season Three

Hi friends, welcome back to another TV Tuesday! This week I’ll be diving into season three of the show Heroes.

It feels like all that set up that happened last season was almost for nothing because this season took two complete 180s. The first half is about one thing, the second felt like a whole different season.

The season starts with Nathan being shot… by Peter, from the future. This Peter from the future is trying to stop the past because if Nathan outs the gifted it causes a future that no one wants to be a part of.

We then learn that Nathan and Peter’s father, Arthur is now alive. He uses powers from others with powers to regain life. We find out that he never really died though; in a flashback, it looks like their mother, Angela, was the one who poisoned him because she didn’t like what he was doing so she killed him. But the hospital lied, said he was dead, when really he wasn’t.

Arthur being introduced really divides everyone, not that everyone wasn’t divided before. This season is all about finding all the parts to the formula to create a virus that could wipe out the human race. Angela has one half; Hiro’s father has the other. Hiro tries to keep it safe, but doesn’t happen. Daphne, a new character this season, who has super-fast powers, snatches it. Guess who she’s working for… Arthur, so he gets his hands on it.

Now Hiro must go back in time and destroy his father’s half of the formula… but before he can go back, he has his memory wiped by Arthur and leaves Hiro thinking he’s 10 years old. It’s Ando who has to explain his power to him and tell him what he must do.

Right before he can go back though, an eclipse happens and everyone who has powers, no longer have their powers.

When Peter finds out his father is alive, he doesn’t have much time before his father takes his powers away. He tries to warn Nathan, but Nathan has other plans; he thinks that what his father is doing is right in creating this virus. Nathan also teams up with Tracy… who looks exactly like Nikki, but isn’t. It turns out that Tracy, Nikki and Jessica were all created by a scientist, damn. Tracy has the ability to freeze people with her hands and she believes in Nathan and Arthur. Ugh.

Mohinder finds himself working with Arthur because he doesn’t really have a choice. He creates this formula that can give powers… and he injects himself. He becomes super strong, fast and resilient, but it also turns him into an asshole and what Mia calls ‘a monster’.

Now, to get rid of it he’s working with Arthur. I don’t like Mohinder this season, he’s a completely different person, jealous of people with powers and just not acting for the greater good like before. He’s extremely happy when his powers go away when the eclipse happens, but it’s not for good.

I can’t not talk about Sylar, he’s been the star of season three; we’re told that Angela and Arthur are his parents, and he believes it. He wants to believe it anyways because he thinks he can be good; he just has to combat the darkness that is within him. In the beginning of the season he kills Bob, who was the leader of the company, but now that Arthur is here, we all know who really runs the company.

After killing Bob, Bob’s daughter, Elle, wants revenge… but later the two end up hooking up. We do get a flashback when Elle and Sylar met for the first time. Elle was manipulating him to see if he’d do something terrible, like kill. Elle just wanted to see the good in him, that he shouldn’t be provoked; so I can see how they ended up dating in the future… two broken souls. But in the end Elle dies from a gunshot from Noah, but Sylar sees this as being for the best. He’s better off alone. He will continue to be bad and to steal powers from people.

He steals from Claire at the beginning of the season and this enrages Claire. She wants revenge and she wants to go out and kill all the bad guys with powers. She leaves and starts doing just that, but that only gets her more trouble and when the eclipse happens she gets shot… and she can’t heal.

We also learn that Angela and Arthur aren’t really his parents, but how shocking is that? Not at all.

There’s also Matt, who goes on this spiritual journey by getting himself stuck in Africa where he sees the future and has to fulfil what he’s seen… this involves Daphne… Daphne who was asked by Arthur to be recruited to the company. Daphne gets as far as meeting Matt, but she doesn’t want to do it, she wants to be good not bad, but she also doesn’t want to go back to her old life, a life where she can’t move. Matt tells her that she doesn’t have to do what they say and that he sees the good in her, that he saw their future together and that they love each other­­–they are suuuper cute.

In the end, the two of them team up with Hiro and Ando to help put a stop to the virus. After the eclipse happens, everyone gets their powers back (which sucks for Mohinder who wanted them gone, but is great for Claire since she comes back to life). Matt and Daphne help Hiro travel back in time… I have to say it was so beautiful to watch and see his mother before she passed. We find out she’s a healer and that maybe she can heal Hiro. When it works, to see the two of them bond one last time, uh such a beautiful moment.

We find out that Claire is the catalyst to the formula, but when Hiro goes back in time he changes history and instead of putting in Claire, Hiro takes it from his mother and he becomes the catalyst. He also steals and rips the formula, but it’s useless because Arthur shows up, takes the formula and takes Hiro’s powers away from him and becomes the catalyst.

Now Hiro is stuck in the past.

Ando thinks that if he can get powers, then he can become a time traveler and save Hiro… they go to Mohinder’s lab but obviously he’s not there. They find what he was working on, the formula that gives powers and Ando just shoots it into his arm… well it gives him powers… the power to amplify other powers. It’s interesting, but enough to make Daphne even faster that she can travel through time and they bring Hiro back.

And just when we think Peter will kill his father… haha nope. Sylar comes in and goes ‘Peter you were never a killer’ and he kills Arthur. We think now that Arthur’s dead, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not… he wasn’t dead the first time, that some good will come, but no of course not.

This is where the season takes a second 180… like where did it come from? All of a sudden Nathan is working with the president of the US to track and take down all people with abilities… which means everyone, everyone we’ve come to love… everyone but Claire. Claire gets a special pass because Nathan is her father… but Noah isn’t stupid. Noah agrees to join forces with Nathan to try and stop this crazy plan, but when a solider named Danko joins the team, that’s off the table.

Danko hates people with abilities. He thinks they are an abomination to society and they are ruining the world so he needs to eradicate them. That’s why Noah tells Nathan, what’s going to happen when they find out he has an ability… and that day happens. Danko starts to really question and lose faith in both Nathan and Noah, so he pushes Nathan out a window and Nathan flies away… smart move.

This now means that Claire is no longer safe. Claire has been spending the time trying to be a vigilante; first she takes down a plane that all her friends were on that was taking them to this basecamp, then she starts to gets messages from this person named “Rebel” and that’s how she’s able to try and help other people with abilities escape from this military.

Once she’s no longer safe, it’s Nathan who ‘saves’ her.

Back to Rebel for a second because they’re not only sending messages to Claire, but it seems everyone with powers is getting them. Hiro and Ando get one that says they have to save Matt Parkman… only it’s not the Matt we know… it’s a baby… Matt’s son, who has the same name… It turns out baby Matt has powers too, and he is being hunted; Hiro and Ando do their best to save him… but it might not have been enough. Now it’s Matt’s turn to save his son.

Matt has been on a journey this season, he’s been trying to prove his love to Daphne, even though she doesn’t want it, she still tries to save Matt from the basecamp, but she ends up shot and captured. Who knows what’s going to happen with her, but when he finds out he has a son, well now he may get back with his ex-wife, Janice… geez Matt get it together.

When we find out who Rebel is, I gasped out loud. I should have been able to guess it was Micah, with his ability to talk to machines. He tries to save Tracy… he is able to break her out of the jail they kept her in… but she knows it’s a losing game so she risks herself to save others and Rebel with abilities.

He escapes but later runs into Sylar.

Oh boy, do we have to unpack Sylar. He spends a lot of the season looking for his real father. He finds his half-brother, and it was interesting to see Sylar show some sort of compassion for him. The two travel with each other for a while, until he’s found his real father. What a mess that was, I guess he was expecting his father to be living a grander life because Sylar has been looking for a purpose for his life. But when he finds out his father is just a low-life who can also take abilities from others he leaves him to die a slow painful death. He also doesn’t forgive him for killing his mother… he’s got deep mommy issues.

After he’s done with his father he teams up with Danko to take down everyone with abilities. This relationship can only last so long as what’s going to happen when Sylar has gotten all their abilities, does he really think Danko is going to let him live?

Sylar gains the power to shapeshift and this is where things start to change… literally. The original shapeshifter shifts as Sylar and they kill him claiming “Sylar is dead”. Noah knows this is too good to be true. That’s when Sylar messes with Noah by changing into his wife, Sandra…

Sidenote here about Sandra, I love her this season; she went from being this doormat housewife, to this badass protective mom and I am SO here for it. Glad she’s finally seeing a lot of the bullshit Noah feeds her.

Back to Sylar, he tries to ruin Noah’s marriage by filing for divorce. When he talks to the real Sandra… wow she’s not taking any of it. She has been through more than we’re let on, could you imagine living through all this for years? I can’t.

So Noah decides to join Angela full time to stop Danko and Sylar. Because Sylar is starting to really hate taking orders from Danko… Sylar never liked taking orders from anyone, and he’s worried that he doesn’t know who his true self is. Obviously Danko doesn’t care and tries to kill Sylar… only he doesn’t die, even when he stabs him in the back of the head. This is when Rebel shows up; he tells Sylar that he has enough powers to stop Danko and save them. I guess this is what gives Sylar a change of heart and instead of killing Rebel, he gives him the ability to heal so Rebel can escape. It’s weirdly heartwarming.

Back to Noah and Angela, the two have been secretly working together… I’m telling you, talk about morally grey characters, Noah has got to be one of the best ones out there. You can see he wants to do good, but he’s also really good at playing the bad guy; he’s so believable.

Peter has been with is mother because he’s mad at Nathan for joining in and helping to create that basecamp. But when Angela has a dream (we’re learning that that is her power, to have prophecy dreams that may or may not come true) and they must visit her sister.

Peter, Angela, Nathan and Claire and Noah too all end up at this deserted site. We learn in flashbacks that in 1961 this is where Angela and her sister were brought for testing by Dr. Suresh… Mohinder’s father… lo and behold Mohinder shows up too. I have to say Mohinder was a lot more like his old self this second half of the season.

Angela is worried that history is going to repeat itself so now they must create a plan to ensure it doesn’t and to stop Danko and Sylar… who is now pretending to be Nathan.

What an ending to the season. Nathan dies… again. How many times is the show going to end on Nathan dying?

Only this time it’s for real. Angela thought Matt would be the one to save Nathan… and well she’s not totally wrong. So the real Nathan is 100% dead, but Sylar is still alive.

When Nathan and Peter went after Sylar, Peter was able to take some of Sylar’s abilities. Just when Sylar thinks he’s meeting the president… BAM it’s really Peter who tranquilizes him.

They bring him back to Angela and Matt where Matt takes away all of Sylar/Gabriel’s memories and replaces them with Nathan’s memories.

Now we have Nathan 2.0. The reason they need Nathan is because he needs to be the spokesperson for this whole operation on people with abilities and of course the president is going to believe Nathan… or that’s the logic here.

We get a snippet of the future, 6 weeks later and it looks like Nathan 2.0 still has some Sylar left in him.

As for what happens with the rest of the characters we don’t really know; the show just kind of ends. So much happened this season and it was really interesting. I’m curious where it’s all going to go and how it’s all going to end.

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