Monthly Wrap-Ups

November 2020 Wrap-Up

Hi friends, happy Monday! Only one more month of the year left – time, what a strange concept. Today I’ll be wrapping up my November!

If you missed October’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:

I’m continuing with Stephen King’s short story collection from 1971-1978, Night Shift. So far, I’ve read 11 short stories; some are still a miss for me, but I finally found 1 story that I actually really enjoyed. I’m slightly halfway through this (only 57% through) and I’m hoping to find at least 1 more story to love.

I’ve started my journey on part two of Lord of the Rings The Two Towers earlier this month and I’m continuing to enjoy the adventure. I feel like every week in my WWW posts I complain that I miss Frodo and Sam… but (not to sound like a broken record 😂) but I miss them!


What I read this month:

I read a total of 10 books this month, which isn’t too bad. I’m very close to hitting my Goodreads challenge of 100 books (currently at 92). My Instagram game has been alright, I felt very slumpy this month, but hope to get back to it in December. 

The Lost Book of the White (The Elder Curse #2) by: Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu
Speak (re-read) by: Laurie Halse Andersen
The Amateurs (The Amateurs #1) by: Sara Shepard
The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings #1 [re-read]) by: J.R.R. Tolkien
Last Seen Leaving by: Caleb Roehrig 
We Are Still Tornadoes by: Michael Kun & Susan Mullen
Each of Us a Desert by: Mark Oshiro
Follow Me (The Amateurs #2) by: Sara Shepard 
A Sin Such as This (Love Lies Beneath #2) by: Ellen Hopkins
Swing Time by: Zadie Smith

Book Reviews this month:

Replica (Replica #1) by: Lauren Oliver
Kopp Sisters on the March (Kopp Sisters #5) by: Amy Stewart
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by: Reni Eddo-Lodge
The Secret Commonwealth (The Book of Dust #2) by: Philip Pullman
P.S. I Still Love You (To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before #2) by: Jenny Han
One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #3) by: Kendare Blake
Get a Life, Chloe Brown (he Brown Sisters #1) by: Talia Hibbert


Currently Watching:

I’m continuing my re-watch of Gilmore Girls. I’m still on season 3 and tell me how now that Jess and Rory are together I’m like forget Jess… I’m team Dean… who am I this re-watch? I’m also starting to think that what I thought was the season 4 finale … is actually the season 3 finale, I shall see. 

I’m also watching the final season of The Affair I need to know how this trashfire of a show is going to end. How is Noah Solloway going to get out of every shitty thing he’s done. I want to hate him so much, but then you see him with his kids and you’re like how can this person be a good dad, yet he is? UGH! 

I started watching Schitt’s Creek after hearing so many amazing things about it, plus it won all those awards this year. The fact that it’s 1) Canadian and 2) over, I felt it was time to start a good binge of it. I have to say, I’m only on season 1 still, but I’m liking the subtle humour this show brings.


The Good Doctor returned at the beginning of the month and I have to say that I’m surprised the show has returned at all. The way the last season ended, it felt really final, and the plots were starting to get stale, but here we are with season 4. So the show spent the first 2 epiosdes covering COVID, then went on as if COVID were over... part of me is thankful because as I mentioned last month I like my fiction COVID-free, but at the same time it also felt really unrealistic towards everything that’s currently going on. 

This Is Us is continuing on to deal with today’s issues that being COVID and they’re really hitting the Black Lives Matter movement and I’m really glad that they’re exploring this and opening the dialogue further. So far, this season has been pretty hard-hitting with bits of funny splashed in and it works. 

I can’t believe Grey’s Anatomy is at SEASON 17! I wonder if this will be the end. They have also incorporated COVID into their storyline and it’s sad. I am curious how this season is going to go because there are so many storylines that I’m, for lack of a better word, curious about. 

Station 19 is also back for a third season, and yes COVID is a storyline, but unlike the other shows I’m watching live on TV, they aren’t making it the focus. There are other major plots from last season that need to be explored and I’m liking how they’re handling everything so far –granted it’s been 2 episodes. 



What I Watched this month:

I finally got around to watching the sequel, P.S. I Still Love You and at first I didn’t care for the movie – I didn’t like all the changes they made, but as I continued I didn’t expect to feel so many emotions as I did and I ended up liking it. I really liked Peter in the movie, whereas in the book I didn’t like him as much. When I read the books I was so team John Ambrose 😅 

I finished New Girl. After all putting this show on hold for October I finished seasons 6 and 7 in November. Now that it’s over, I definitely miss the show. I enjoyed season 6 and I thought it should have ended there… season 7 jumps 3 years into the future and it took me a while to get into it, but of course I ended up enjoying it. 

When love, guaranteed premiered on Netflix I automatically added it to my list because it just looked like something I would like to watch… well I was right about that. What I didn’t know was the main character who plays Nick, played Coach on New Girl (and I LOVE Coach) so this was a win/win/win for me. Plus the story was really cute – I didn’t like how the ending was too perfect, but I can overlook that. 

I finished season 13 of ER. I wrote a bunch here and it didn’t save… so the short of it is that I enjoyed this season; I enjoyed seeing where all the character’s stories went and I’m invested to see where they will go. There were a lot of things I didn’t see coming and I’m so ready to dive into season 14… it’s so bittersweet that I have 2 seasons left. 

I also watched a few Stephen King adaptations that I’m just going to list here instead of going into detail, as I will when I wrap up Night Shift in a few weeks.

The Mangler 2 – I enjoyed this more than the original
The Mangler Reborn – good scary movie vibes
Maximum Overdrive – much better than the book, ending sucked
Trucks – exactly the same movie as Maximum Overdrive with a much better ending
Sometimes They Coming Back – good adaptation, a little boring though
Sometimes They Come Back … Again – wasn’t that great, slow plot 
Sometimes They Come Back… For More – slightly intriguing with much too dramatic acting 

TV Tuesday Posts:

Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season Three 
Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season Four

Posts from the Month

WWW Wednesday #44 🎈
WWW Wednesday #45 🎉
WWW Wednesday #46 🎂
WWW Wednesday #47 🎁

The Liebster Award VIII
This or That Book Tag II

Happy Birthday Me: 27

November is my favourite month of the year and after an election that felt like it lasted a year, I’m glad Trump will no longer be in office. I’m not American, but you could definitely feel the tension everywhere. I’m hoping this leads to changes for the good. 

The very following day it was announced that beloved Jeopardy host, Alex Trebek passed away at 80 due to cancer and it was just so sad. I used to be a avid watcher of Jeopardy (if you go back far enough in my wrap-ups you’ll see I used to include the show in my currently watching section) but in recent years I’ve stopped and I don’t really know why. Jeopardy will never be the same.

Turning it over to a positive, my birthday landed on Friday the 13th this year and I have to admit that even though it was a quarantine birthday and I couldn’t do or see anyone, it was still a really good birthday. I got my haircut in the morning so now I’m rocking super short hair – it’s been a few years since I’ve had hair this short, but I’m loving it, plus I’m sure it’ll be long before I know it. 



 Two of my best friend’s came over to my front porch and dropped off gifts and a cupcake, which was super sweet. I’m still happy I got to see them, even if I couldn’t celebrate the way I wanted to. 
My co-worker had a dessert waffle from Demetres Cafe dropped off to my door and my mum had a cake … and to top it off we ordered Red Lobster for dinner so I got the trio shrimp dish … I was eating dessert and shrimp for daysss (and no I’m not complaining!)

About a week later my province debated on going into lockdown again. The verdict was 2 major areas were going to go into lockdown… which includes me. Now, if I’m being honest this doesn’t feel like a true lockdown because most stores are still open, with lessened capacities. They’ve also said we can’t go to neighbouring cities that aren’t in lockdown, but who’s there to monitor that? No one, so I’m sure with Christmas coming people have been going out to do their shopping. Me? I’ve online shopped SO much the last week of this month that I’m pretty much done. Now I gotta organize and ship things out soon! 

I hope you’ve all had a good November. Let me know what your highlights of the month have been.

I’ll end this on my first IGTV unboxing I did this month! 😄

5 thoughts on “November 2020 Wrap-Up

  1. Wow you did a lot in November and still able to read a lot! I’m surprised Grey’s Anatomy is still showing. I used to watch it on TV sporadically. I really want to read Lord of the Rings. I’m thinking i’ll do it in the new year 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha thank you, Jasmine! 😊
      I’m surprised too! I think this may be the last season for Grey’s the way the story is going, it feels like an ending.
      I think that’s an awesome idea! I hope you enjoy LotR!

      Liked by 1 person

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