Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Tears of Dark Water

Hi friends! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Corban Addison’s novel The Tears of Dark Water.

The Tears of Dark Water

The Tears of Dark Water by: Corban Addison: When Somali pirates hijack Daniel and Quentin Parker’s sailboat in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the top negotiator, Paul Derrick is brought in to negotiate and make sure things go well. But when things take a tragic turn the Somali leader, Ismail is tried in the United States courts, and it’s Paul’s twin sister Megan who realises there is more to the story, and so the mystery unfolds. What a captivating novel; Addison really knows how to tell a story, his storytelling is phenomenal. At first, the introduction to all the characters was a bit much, as there are quite a few, but as the reader got to know and connect with them the transitions seemed flawless. What was loved about these characters was the fact that it wasn’t just about one character or the other; each character got their own story and background, so not only did the reader know about Paul’s life, you knew about Daniel’s and even Ismail’s. This is what gave this novel so much merit and truth and really made it so compelling. The plots are so heartbreaking and so full of action and suspense the reader could hardly put the book down. The way Addison uses repetition was well done because it didn’t feel over used and it really helped the reader keep facts straight. This novel was powerful and masterful; definitely a must read.

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