Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Stygian

Hi friends, happy Monday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s novel Stygian.

You can read my reviews of the first half of the Dark Hunter series
You can read my reviews of the second half of the Dark Hunter series


Stygian by: Sherrilyn Kenyon: Urian was born hundreds of thousands of years ago, bred for evil and always on the hunt. It isn’t until he’s asked to kill the woman he loves that he goes against everything he’s ever known. But it might not be the end for him, as secrets are revealed and Urian might not be who he thought he was. This was definitely an interesting and action-packed addition to Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series. There were lots of twists and turns throughout the 600-plus page novel that certainly kept the reader invested. Although, there were moments that this novel waned and stories started to feel repetitive, which left parts to drag on. But for the most part, this novel was fast-paced with enough action going on, that the reader was curious to find out what would happen next. The writing was good too; Kenyon likes to add a lot of comic relief to all her scenes, which yes, gets repetitive, but some of her sarcasm comes across really well. It was good to see old characters again and get different perspectives of them; it really rounds them out and gives the reader a deeper understanding of them. As for the new ones in this novel, they were well developed and compelling to read about. They all seem to have this hard outer shell but once the reader gets to know them they’ve got a softer side, which is always nice to discover. Overall, this was a long, but good and entertaining novel; the reader is curious as to what Kenyon has up her sleeve next.  

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