Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #15 πŸ₯

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 357
On page 56
On page 262

The Dead Zone: I’m 67% of the way through; I’m now into part 2 of the book and we’re introduced to a new character that I don’t know what their purpose is… more foreshadowing I guess.

City of Bones; I’m 30% of the way through; continuing with my buddy read with Karla @anotherbookworm I’m falling a little behind, but so far I’m enjoying being back in the world. I sometimes think that the way Clary just went ahead with people she doesn’t know is kinda weird.

Lastly I’m reading The Glass Universe by: Dava Sobel. I thought by the time I got around to posting this I’d have this finished… I’m literally SO close… I have 4 pages left πŸ˜… but I really like the writing, even if I don’t find the subject very interesting.

What I’ve Read:

I finished reading Clash of Beasts by: Lisa McMann. It was pretty good; I think I really appreciated the way this ended – this was the last novel in a trilogy and it felt final and all the stories came together for a nice clean ending.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #14 🐣

Review: Five Days of Famous

Review: The Toll

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books posted a list of book covers with cats on them… I love cats so this was right up my alley!

I started this week with a family breakfast, which was really nice. I haven’t had pancakes in so long!
My brother asked me to cut off most of his hair… I am by no means any good at cutting hair, but it didn’t come out too bad. πŸ˜…

There’s been a lot of hate going on around the bookstagram community and I just had to write my thoughts on it because I couldn’t just say nothing – I’ve added the caption to my photo below.

A few positives from this week:
– pancakes!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 5. We’ve reached the part where Logan is starting to grind my gears… when Rory meets his family, they don’t think she’s got what it takes to marry into their family… whereas the Gilmores are way too over the moon about having Logan marry into their family. It’s all a bit too much. I hate how involved everyone else is in their relationship… when they just started dating.

The Stand; mini series. I have one episode more left, this adaptation was better than the 90s version, but it was so slow. After the first few episodes the storytelling didn’t feel all over the place and it felt like it had order, which made it easier to watch.

This Is Us; season 5. This was a heavy episode this week; Kevin and Randall finally have the talk that they’ve been saying they’re going to have. I think it was really important for both of them to air out everything they’ve both been sitting with for years. I think those two are going to be ok and I’m happy for them.

Station 19; season 4. This episode was like it was out of King novel, a rouge zamboni is on fire and is circling the ice rink on it’s own… creepy. The way this episode ended was so heavy… definitely a topic to be talked about, but heavy and led into the episode of Grey’s.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17. The show took on covering the murder of George Floyd (even if they didn’t name him, you know that’s who it’s about) and the protests and everyone getting hurt… even though it was so heavy I like how they portrayed going out to be a part of a protest and the sense of pride you feel and I like how they made something so heart-wrenching have hope.

What I’ve watched:

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. It’s over 😭. It was a very bittersweet ending. Like you could tell it was a season finale and it worked as a series finale but it wasn’t everything that you would want for a series finale. The way some plots didn’t get the ending they deserved, but the family dinner was so cute and I still enjoyed it. A re-watch will have to happen soon.

One Tree Hill; season 5. Firstly, I actually genuinely enjoyed this season. I’m liking them as adults (even if they feel 27 and not 22). I honestly didn’t remember how this season ended and I was pleasantly surprised. The whole Lucas/Lindsey/Peyton (and now sometimes Brooke) will be ending soon because Lucas has finally picked someone. No, I didn’t enjoy this plot (I really love Lucas and Brooke as friends, totally jealous of that friendship); I get why it was so long, but I’m tired. I love that Brooke wants to be a mom and the whole Angie plot was beautiful, but sometimes I feel like Brooke wanting to be a mom is just her filling in the love she’s not getting from her own mother. Seeing little Jamie was great and watching both Haley and Nathan, Naley? making their comebacks was fun, and Q starts off rough but he’s come a long way; I love how he is with Jamie. I don’t like how Nathan treats his mom about online dating, but I DO like how “so what?” of an attitude she has about it. I can’t not talk about Dan, who is out of jail and needs a new heart… go figure, but I appreciate that they make it hard for him…because lord knows he doesn’t deserve it, but again I like how he is with Jamie. I’m ready for season 6.

Taking the Fall. I watched this movie, and this felt more like a play than a movie. It took place in one location (one house) and the characters kept referring to their better days in college… I swear the amount of times they would say “in college” πŸ™„. The premise is that the main character took the fall (hence the name) and went to jail for all his friends and now it’s 6 years later and they’re throwing him an out of prison party… which goes about as well as you’d imagine. There’s a weird romance plot that was thrown in for more drama, but the characters who didn’t go to jail end up complaining about their lives and the main character can’t believe how ungrateful they are. I have to say a lot of the actors weren’t really good, there were two actors who really held up the movie, but the ending got me and I enjoyed the message between the two best friends.

Thunder Force. I finally got Netflix shuffle to shuffle a movie, yay! This was cute, funny, a little predictable but all around entertaining movie. Two best friends who end up having a fall out, cut to 20 years later and it’s their high school reunion, the one friend goes to the other to bring them to it… but instead she gets sucked into experiments to have super human powers… it was interesting. I thought the pacing was a little fast and all the characters just go with everything… and the evil characters are strange morphs, it was all really weird… but maybe that’s why I liked it πŸ˜…

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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