Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #26 ðŸŽ’

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 420
On page 163
On page 56

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 34% of the way; I’m really starting to make progress. I read The Importance of Being Earnest, which after the first act I liked it, it took a turn that I wasn’t expecting, but I really enjoyed it. I’m now reading Lady Windermere’s Fan and it’s been pretty fun too.

The Bachman Books; 17% of the way; continuing with Rage. I’m honestly at the point where I’m like is this over? I read 5 chapters where we didn’t learn anything new about the main character, we got exposition on why he’s holding his classmates hostage, but it’s nothing we don’t already know. So glad I’m finishing this next week!

Lastly, I’m reading Swimming Lessons by: Claire Fuller. I just started this today and I’m not sure how I feel about it yet.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished My Calamity Jane by: Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows. I actually didn’t mind this novel, it was fast-paced and for the most part held my attention; I also didn’t mind the queer rep in this either. I read some reviews (I have a habit of reading the bad reviews) where they felt the lesbian rep felt really forced into the story, but I didn’t really feel that way.

I also finished The Lost City of the Monkey God by: Douglas Preston. This was a non-fiction read that I liked, but the book shifted tones mid-way through and I thought it was an interesting choice.

Lastly, I finished Concrete Rose by: Angie Thomas. This was such a good novel, I loved Maverick as a character he was so sweet, he could be hard-headed at times, but he always wanted to do the right thing.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #25 🕶

Review: The Bone Witch

Let’s Talk About… Game of Thrones Season Eight

Review: The Masked City

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kal @Reader Voracious wrote a great post about budgeting and how she earns extra cash to help her buy books – I’m always in the market for budgeting tips because I never seem to stick to a plan!
She also posted about her book buying process – 1) I love her book shelf and 2) I love the way she approaches buying books, fabulous read!

Kate @Your Tita Kate wrote about hoe to overcome blogging fatigue – Kate’s posts are always fantastic and so thought out and this one was no exception, this really had some great tips!

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books posted about how to make your blog stand out – her advice is always so great and I always find great take-aways!

I started this week with a trip to the bookstore, and there is no better way to start a week than by doing that! I bought two books (whoo!) and I had a gift card (even better whoo!) and I bought two of my friends birth day gifts! Great afternoon.

This week was also library week, so more books! Yay!

This week I had a day off on Thursday and it completely threw my week off because Thursday felt like Sunday 😅

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. I will be starting this season soon, I just don’t want to remove it from here.

One Tree Hill; season 9. So at the very beginning of the season we see all our main characters in bad places and throughout the season we learn why. We see Clay yelling at Quinn saying he doesn’t need her, which turns into him not remembering things and having to go to therapy to work out the thing he doesn’t remember is that he has a son (never liked this plot), Julian is getting the shit beat out of him turns into him punishing himself for leaving his baby in the hot car, Brooke is destroying a cafe, which turns out to be the one across the street who keeps tormenting them (again, I hate girl on girl hate). Haley has to identify a body in which we learn that Nathan has gone missing. We see Chase in the back of a cop car which we find out he was trying to stop Chuck’s dad from beating him (I love their relationship, Chase is like the dad/role model he never had – I also like that Chris Keller tells Chuck he should act less like him and more like Chase). Lastly we see Keller with Dan and Julian, which they’re all working together to find Nathan. It’s been a wild season.

The Dead Zone; season 2. This season, most of it is just Johnny using his powers to help people out. Every once in a while I can see the show trying to change it up, like one episode he gets kidnapped into helping out. We do get a episode on his best friend, Bruce who is super one dimensional, but I’m hoping we’ll learn and see more of him throughout the series.

Schitt’s Creek; season 5. I am flying through this season, faster than I’d like! But I am loving all the plots with David and Patrick. And the love interested they brought in for Stevie, I am ALL for it. They are so cute!

What I’ve watched:

Gilmore Girls; season 6. I finally finished a season! I feel like I’ve been plugging away at this one for so long. This one ended on a sad note; Luke and Lorelei are pretty much over. She’s tired of waiting and Luke has his new-found daughter. Honestly I hate that things kept being thrown at them to get in the way of them being together because they are so good together, but alas. Logan and Rory part and it’s funny to see Rory and his father having something in common, wanting what’s best for Logan. It’s been a very up and down season – I’m not prepared for season 7 because it’s trash; hopefully I can zip through it!

Rush Hour 2. I finally got around to watching the second movie, and it was funnier than the first and I can see why people like this one the most. I love when sequels out-do the first movie.

John Wick. I’ve always been curious about these movies so I dived into the first one the other day… it wasn’t bad, I didn’t love nor hate it, I did find it entertaining. I may watch the second one at some point.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #26 ðŸŽ’

    1. You’re very welcome! 😊
      I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking the queer rep wasn’t forced; it was definitely a lot of fun to read!


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