Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #14 πŸ£

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 272
On page 56
On page 84

The Dead Zone: I’m 63% of the way through; I just passed one of the longest chapters in the book and I believe it to be the turning point in Johnny’s life and I’m curious to see where the story is going to go from here.

City of Bones; I’m 11% of the way through; last week… a few weeks ago… I can’t remember now, Karla @anotherbookworm wanted to know if this series was worth reading and from that convo, a buddy read formed and so I’m re-reading this while she’s reading it for the first time. I’m curious to see what my thoughts are my third time around – so far it’s been pretty gripping.

I’m lastly reading Clash of Beasts by: Lisa McMann. I read the first 2 books in this series… years ago, and I liked them so I figured I should continue. I think this is the last book, but I could be wrong. So far it’s been fast-paced and I like the addition of illustrations.

What I’ve Read:

I finished Dirty Birds by: Morgan Murray. This was my third Canada Reads book and I don’t know, this just wasn’t for me. It was fast-paced and there were funny moments, but it started to feel like every moment had to be funny or punny and the dick jokes got tiresome after a while. It didn’t help that it was over 500 pages.

I also finished The Invisible Library by: Genevieve Cogman; I liked this, but it wasn’t my favourite. The world building was lacklustre for me and it felt like the author wanted to add every supernatural element to the story… but I’m still curious to see where the story is going to go so I’ll be reading book two.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #12 🐰

Review: Across the Green Grass Fields

Let’s Talk About… The Crown Season Four

Review: The Secret of a Heart Note

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Nyx @Drizzle and Hurricane Books made a top 10 list of YA Retellings and I loved this. Some books I’ve read and loved, while others I have yet to read

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books wrote a post about the 5 things you need to know before starting a book blog and her points are so good and really made me think about my own blog

Kate @Your Tita Kate wrote an amazing post on writing a kick-ass book review, this was such a great guide that I’ll be looking back at for my reviews!

Emma @It’s a Reader’s Life posted a great tutorial for Instagram Reels; I am still new to reels and any tips I get I could use

May @Forever and Everly posted a great Asian reads recommendation post; I love adding books to my never ending TBR and this list is great

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter, to those who celebrate. Since, again, we couldn’t get together with anyone, we had a nice dinner just the four of us.

I had some time while I was going through my links that I finally decided to create a blog logo! I’m really proud of it:

By the end of the week, the province I live in went in to complete lockdown like it was a year ago. Every time I think about it, it just makes me angry so I try my hardest not to think too much – hoping one day to make it through this.

A few positives from this week:
– created a logo for the blog!
– cleaned my bike, in hopes that I’m actually going to ride it this year
– reached over 2500+ likes on an Instagram post (this has never happened to me before!)

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 5. Emily is really something else isn’t she? She goes to Luke to tell him to get back together with Lorelai, which he does, but she thinks now that she did this, that will magically bring her daughter back to her and make her talk to her. She’s so in over her head on manipulating people that she thinks it just works every time. How crazy! I’m sad that Marty can’t be friends with Rory because he likes her too much; I really liked Marty.

One Tree Hill; season 5. Oh man, the whole Nanny Carrie is really grinding my gears; I hate this plot and I’ve always hated it. Then there’s the Peyton/Lindsey hate that I’m just over; I’m over two girls fighting over Lucas. I forgot about Owen the bartender… gosh he’s a great guy and I just love every time he’s in a storyline.

The Stand; mini series. Since this is on Prime, I decided to watch it; I’ve only seen the first episode and so far, I’m mega confused by the storytelling. It jumps back and forth in time and it makes me feel like I’m missing something.

This Is Us; season 5. This week’s episode was good, I liked seeing the wedding planning for Kevin; I like seeing Madison and Toby getting along; I always enjoy seeing Beth try to understand her daughter Tess, their dynamic is a work in progress but that’s something I love because I feel like parents who are watching the show need to see that, it’s something that needs to be explored.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. Mr & Mrs Kim are the cutest! When Mrs. Kim starts to lose her faith, it’s Mr Kim who really helps her and it was just such sweet moment. When Jung and Shannon get fake engaged was SO cute… I’m totally rooting for them to get real engaged, but I doubt that is going to happen… we’ll see only one episode left.

Station 19; season 4. I still want to hug Travis because he’s really trying to let go and the convos he’s having with his dad are tough, but need to happen. I’m curious to see where the plot with Robert is going to go, he wants to run the team and he hopes to create change from within, but we all know how well that works. Their chief already doesn’t want anyone making noise, which perpetuates the problem.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17. Meredith wakes up… for a second! No idea if she’s going to continue to stay away, but I guess we’ll find out. This was a really heartfelt episode and it was filled with joy, which is something that we can all use.

What I’ve watched:

Serendipity. Look at that, another movie! It was 12:30 am and all I wanted to do was watch a rom-com and that’s how this got watched. I liked it, I thought it was cute and full of hope. It definitely was this feel good movie that I enjoyed.

Orange is the New Black; season 2. Woah, what a season. I have to say that finale was great, I really enjoyed it. I found that I didn’t really care about Piper this season, there was so much more going on that I love the little stories of everyone in the prison so much more. The addition of V this season really brought a new dynamic to the show and the prison; it became a them vs. us environment that left me on the edge of my seat. Then, blah Mr. Heely thinking that lesbians are going to take over the world and the world won’t need men anymore was just such a laughable plot, what an a** – really hate that guy. Curious to see where season 3 goes as Mr. Cupoto is in charge now, ha!

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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