Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #30 ⛵️

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 753
On page 277
On page 175

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 61% of the way; I’m now making my way through the poems; I’m not a big fan of poetry and so this has been an okay read for me, but it’s also been pretty quick.

The Bachman Books; 30% of the way; I’m continuing with The Long Walk and I decided to go into this week by not hating on the book and just reading – I think that helped because I didn’t completely hate these two chapters; we start to understand more of what the Long Walk is and we get a sense of how strange this novel is, plus I want to know how you win this walk.

Lastly, I’m reading The Refugees by: Viet Thanh Nguyen. This is a collection of short stories of people who have moved away from their home country and begin a new life in that new country, mainly leaving Vietnam for America and how they balance the two cultures. So far, this has been a really good read; I don’t have this experience, but I can still appreciate reading these stories and these experiences.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished The Desolations of Devil’s Acre by: Ransom Riggs. I’m sad that this series is over, but it was a really nice ending for these characters and the plot was so adventurous and fun; it was so fast-paced and I never wanted to put it down. Even though it was 500 pages, it never felt like it was.

I also finished The Secret Chapter by: Genevieve Cogman. This was the 6th novel in the the Invisible Library series and wow, I wasn’t prepared for all the twists and turns this novel brought! The addition of the family dynamics also took this one to another level.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #29 🚗

Review: Freeks

Let’s Talk About ER… Season Eight

Review: Butter Honey Pig Butter

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books talked about some of her top covers (part 1!) of 2022 – these covers are all so gorgeous, try not buying one of them!

Lauren @Narrative Paradise ranked Taylor Swift Eras by Aesthetic – yes, this sounds as awesome as it is. I enjoyed reading her thoughts on all the looks, because there have been quite a few!

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books talked about 7 ways her blogging has changed – Marie is always full of great tips so this was a must read!

I started the week with a new pair of shoes! I bought a new pair of sandals that I plan to just wear everywhere – meaning right now after I post this as I’m heading out to grab a coffee with a friend I haven’t seen since March of 2020! 😱
Otherwise, this week has been a very quiet week.

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. Again, wow I forgot some of these plots. So Lorelei and Christopher are married and they’re getting him accustomed to being in Stars Hallow since she married an outsider because everyone thought she was going to marry Luke, which was weird. I do love Luke bonding with April and being just an overall good dad, that was so fun to watch. I hate April’s mother and now that Luke is in April’s life and her mother is now all “my daughter this” and “she’s my daughter” as if Luke couldn’t possibly have a say. He deserves to get to know her. It was also funny to see Zack being really excited to become a dad because he’s just so happy; it sucks that Lane is not enjoying any of it – I hate that all Lane wants to do is be in a rock ‘n roll band not be a mother and it felt like she was forced into this because she’s still so young.

The Dead Zone; season 3. I just found out this will be leaving Prime (tomorrow by the time this is posted) and now I don’t know how I’m going to watch this – I’ve really gotten into this show as cheesy as it may be. This season has touched on the whole apocalypse plot once again, but we haven’t gotten much more. The stories also have seemed more personal to Johnny this season too.

What I’ve watched:

The Perfect Date; I didn’t think I’d really enjoy this, but this turned out to be a really good movie that I couldn’t stop watching. It was really predictable, but I still really liked it. And the actor; the guy who played Peter in To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before was the lead and I really like him as a actor!

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

5 thoughts on “Weekly Update #30 ⛵️

  1. Wow, you mentioning the fact that you haven’t seen your friend since March 2020 reminded me that I haven’t see neither my best friend nor my mom since January 2020, since we live in different countries. I can’t believe it’s been that long. 😱Anyway, I hope you had fun seeing your friend again! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Time slips by so fast! I hope you get to see your mom and friend soon! 😊 Thank you, I had a great time seeing her, I can’t wait to see her again!


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