Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #29 πŸš—

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 689
On page 243
One page 313

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 56% of the way; I’m still making my way through the plays. I read The Duchess of Padua and Vera, or the Nihilists; I feel like because I’m reading this all close together, I’m blurring all the plays together. I enjoyed these two for the most part, they didn’t wow me or anything but they were still interesting.

The Bachman Books; 29% of the way; I ‘m continuing with The Long Walk and I’m still not feeling it, nor do I really care about this story – granted I’m only 4 chapters in so I’m giving this a chance.

Lastly, I’m reading The Desolations of Devil’s Acre by: Ransom Riggs. I’m sad that this series is ending; I really loved all the novels before this and so I’m excited to dive into this – so far it’s been really fun and action packed.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished How to Murder Your Life by: Cat Marnell. This was a hot mess of a novel, but I get that this person had to write this memoir for her own sanity and to hopefully help better herself after years of drugs. It was an interesting read.

I also finished Punching the Air by: Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam. This was a punch to the gut; it was so moving and I just loved the way they tied art and creativeness into this. The art throughout this novel was so good, I loved it!

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #28 πŸš₯

Review: Cemetery Boys

Review: The Burning Page

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kal @Reader Voracious wrote a great post about affiliate links for book bloggers – this was a great informative post that really put everything together in one handy blog post!

Jasmine @How Useful It Is posted about a tour of Little Free Libraries she went on – I loved this, not only did she have a great haul, but she shared a link that tells you where there are Little Free Libraries are in your area! I had no idea I had any near me!

Sofii @A Book. A Thought gave us her top 5 books with shocking and impressive writing – there many authors in this post that I have read and loved!

Lucy @Elsie LMC posted her recipe for a tropical mocktail – I need to get back in the kitchen to start making things again, this looks really good!

This week started with going out to dine in with my two best friends; it felt so good to dine in again. I haven’t done that since March of 2020 a day before we went into a state of emergency.
I also went to the library to pick up more books, it’s crazy how fast 3 weeks go by!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. I completely forgot some of these plots (maybe because I was blocking them out haha) but Lorelei and Chris go to Paris, since Gigi’s mom wants to be closer to her, so all 3 of them go and they get married there… I honestly didn’t remember that. We learn that Lane and Zack are having twins, I remember that but her mother’s reaction had me laughing because she’s so excited and wants to live with them. I’m at the part where I don’t really care about Rory and Logan, even though they’re doing the long distance thing, I’m like alright, I don’t care.

The Dead Zone; season 3. I’ve only seen the first episode at this point, but I’m curious to see where this goes. They’re bringing in the Stillson plot real hard so far so interested to see where it’s all going to go.

What I’ve watched:

Before I Fall; every time I see this, I always think I’ve read this book… and I haven’t but I didn’t care I decided to watch the movie anyways. There were a lot of really nit picky things I didn’t like about this, but I didn’t complete hate it. The characters felt really shallow, like her friends were just so mean and for what?! Her boyfriend was a jerk too, but I think she was with him for his popularity and not really because she liked him. The whole groundhog day aspect got old fast, but I did like that it made her a better person, but at the same time, we can’t live the same day over and over again to learn that lesson.

John Wick Chapter 3 Parabellum; I’m very excited to know that there is going to be a fourth movie! I watched this and enjoyed it just as much as the first two. Gosh, his dog in this and the last movie is just SO cute and loves him SO much. The action was so good, the fight scenes were crazy and some were so gross, but I still really liked this!

To The Bone; I’ve had this movie on my list for… a very long time now. I finally decided to watch it; this was definitely a hard hitting movie. It dealt with eating disorders and we follow one character’s story to try and get better; seeing the ups and downs that go into getting better. This is definitely triggering to anyone struggling with an eating disorder.

Orange is the New Black; season 6. This season was interesting; don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but it was strange. After being brought to max security we see quite a few of our main cast in a new environment with new characters. Maddison was SO annoying, although I think she was made to be like that, but gosh she irritated me. The two sisters, Barb and Carol who have basically separated the prison were psychotic – they hated each other SO much, and for what?! I feel like in the end it was for a story that Barb thought Carol stole and vice versa… only in the end that story didn’t happen to either of them, like what?! We see Tasty go through her trial because they spent the season trying to figure out who killed the guard… and they pin it on Tasty (I still don’t even know who actually did it) and just when we think that the jury find her not guilty… nope – that was gut wrenching. Seeing Caputo try and help Tasty was nice, but we all knew he wasn’t going to be able to do much. Lastly, the whole Alex and Pipper plot still didn’t do much for me, even when Pipper was out for early release and they had their wedding, I was like ehh ok. I’m very curious what is going to happen in the final season.

The New Guy. I was reluctant to add this because I had this on in the background and I didn’t like it at all. What a weird trip of a movie this was. That’s all I’m going to say on that.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

9 thoughts on “Weekly Update #29 πŸš—

  1. Thank you so much for mentioning me 😊 That’s awesome that you read all of Miss Peregrines. I just picked up book 1 from the little free libraries to read. Have you seen the movie? I haven’t.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! 😊
      I hope you enjoy the first book! They are so additive. I haven’t seen the movie. At one point I wanted to, but I just never got around to it – maybe in the future!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome!
      Ha! Daunting is a good word to put it because now that I’m coming to the end of his works, I just want it to be over and it ends on his essays… that are really long πŸ˜…


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