Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #31 šŸŽ”

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 833
On page 316
On page 72

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 68% of the way; Iā€™m still making my way through the poems. I’m not really a big fan, but I don’t hate them ā€“ I’m just reading and getting through them.

The Bachman Books; 34% of the way; I’m continuing with The Long Walk and it feels like I make little progress every week. Again, I didn’t hate the two chapters I read and I’m curious to see where (or if these characters make it to the end) it will lead to. Every few chapters another side character is killed off and another one is introduced it feels.

Lastly, I’m reading Our Darkest Duet by: Victoria Schwab. I honestly don’t remember what happened in the first book, but I’m enjoying this and it’s really fast-paced.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished The Refugees by: Viet Thanh Nguyen. I enjoyed this quick read; the stories were good, refreshing and gave a voice to people who have immigrated to a new country in any sort of capacity.

I also finished The Lonely Hearts Hotel by: Heather O’Neill. That was a whirlwind of a novel and I just didn’t like it. I didn’t like how it started, I didn’t get the point ā€“ ok, more like I didn’t care to get the point of the novel and where the characters went. This was dark, and just darker than I was expecting; I also didn’t like the ending either. It did have some nice writing here and there.

Lastly, I finished The Orphan’s Tale by: Pam Jenoff. WWII historical fiction isn’t my jam and so this didn’t do anything for me. It was a good novel, but it wasn’t for me.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #30 ā›µļø

Review: Lost Roses

Review: 4321

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Elli @Ace Reader talked about her obsession with books ā€“ this was such a fun post, plus you too can take the quiz to find out how obsessed you are, I got 77%!

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books posted her review of When You Were Everything by: Ashley Woodfolk ā€“ I loved this book and I love that Marie did too!

Zainab @Zainab Chats wrote a great post about the importance of representation in the media ā€“ definitely give this a read!

CW @The Quiet Pond posted a really great blogging resource on co-blogging ā€“ a truly great read on tips on how to and just overall if it’s for you, very informative!

This week started off with a long weekend, yay! I posted this update earlier than I normally do last week since I went out Friday afternoon to catch up with a friend I haven’t seen since March of 2020. It was so good to see her and talk in person ā€“ we ended up talking for a good 3 and a half hours. Good company with a great beverage (my cappuccino made with almond milk was really good!).

Aside from that, it was nice to have Monday off and I just read a lot. I feel like I’ve been reading so much recently.

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. I am so over the Lorelei, Christopher, Luke plot, like SO done. I said this a few weeks ago, right after the two of them got married, but Lorelei got married too quickly after breaking it off with Luke because it was what months?! after Luke said not yet and she ran away to Christopher. UH! But Luke has been so sweet to her and just being a sweet friend. I hate that Christopher is jealous of Luke, and you know that he’s always going to be so that marriage was never going to work. I hate it here. Then we have Sookie… who is pregnant… omg I completely forgot this plot happened. It was obviously worked into the plot because Melissa McCarthy was pregnant in real life, but the whole ‘Jackson didn’t get a vasectomy when I told him to’ was just ehhh. Oh, but I do like that Luke fought to be in April’s life and won ā€“ that was such a great moment!

Orange is the New Black; season 7. Here we are, the final season. I have to say, this season sorta feels tacked on ā€“ but we’ll see where it goes. I do like how they are trying to show the way men treat women, how in the workforce they are treated, the wage gap (even between white women and black women); I do like how they are trying to really dismantle all the wrong that has happened in the prison. What I don’t care for is Piper; she’s out of prison and is finding it so hard to get back to a real life and I honestly just cringe every time she opens her mouth… like was she made to be this annoying? I’ve never liked her, but now I really can’t stand her.

What I’ve watched:

The Dead Zone; season 3. I was just able to finish this season before it left Prime. This season was like the past two seasons where we get a tease of the apocalypse but we don’t really find out much; we see things that lead up to it, but we still don’t know much and it’s starting to annoy me because I just want to know where that’s going to take the show ā€“ because once it does, I’m sure it’ll change things up. We also see Johnny saving people using his ability and like I mentioned last week, it felt more personal to him which was nice to see.

Brain on Fire; this movie, I still think about, even though I watched it last Sunday night. This was based off true events; this young girl starts having these weird psychotic symptoms and no one seems to know what’s wrong with her. One therapist thinks she’s partying too hard and is in alcohol withdrawal, while other doctors think she could be bipolar or schizophrenic, but the crazy part is that the worse she gets, she’s still in there, she just can’t communicate. This story has a happy ending, but damn this was a heavy hour and a half but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Schitt’s Creek; season 5. I finally finished this season… I only have one more left and that makes me sad. But I LOVED this season. When Patrick proposes to David, tears! Then when David tells Stevie again TEARS! I felt exactly how Stevie felt, uh much happiness. Plus I also like what she said to Moria that she feels everyone is growing up around her while she’s stuck behind the desk and I felt that. I also like that Moria told her it will be her time. I think it’s brave of Alexis to travel with Ted for his job to a place she’s never been before and the way she gets weirded out that she’ll miss her family, UGH! Such a great season, oh and I can’t forget Cabaret ā€“ those were some great scenes, I really wish we had gotten more of them. The way the season ended on Moria crying in a closet was weird, but I enjoyed the season nonetheless.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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