Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #21 ðŸ‘›

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 248
On page 18
On page 339

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 20% of the way; I was going to write my thoughts on all the stories I’ve read, but it starts to sound the same after awhile, plus I’m reading a story a day – so far I’ve read quite a few of his short stories and I love the way he ends his stories because they are so sharp and final, so good.

The Bachman Books; 1% of the way; I’ve started my next Stephen King read. Rounding off his work from the ’70s I decided to read the first four books he wrote under the pen name, Richard Bachman. He has 3 other books written under that name, but I’ll read them as I continue through the decades. The first book in this volume is Rage. So far, it’s just characters who are angry so we’ll see where it goes.

Lastly, I’m reading Lost Roses by: Martha Hall Kelly. This started off really confusing with all the points of view coming together and I was trying to figure out who was who, but it has gotten better and it’s been really fast-paced.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished reading Butter Honey Pig Bread by: Francesca Ekwuyasi and woooof was this an emotionally heavy novel. I loved it because it was written so well; the characters have flaws and traumas they have to work out and watching them do so over the course of the novel was so good. I read this for my Canada Reads project, the 5th book out of 15.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #20 💄

Review: All Together Now

Review: Hero

The No Disclaimers Book Tag

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books talked about her experience with self-hosting – her posts are always so insightful and this was no exception!

The weeks are going by faster and faster it feels. This week was a blur; it was a short work week since Monday was a holiday and it was a gorgeous weekend, so much sun! I also did something I don’t normally do, but I’m not ready to talk about it just yet 😅

A few positives from this week:
– The Leafs have been doing pretty good in the NHL playoffs

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 6. So now Rory is back on track to being a journalist. She’s back at Yale, she broke up with Logan, she’s reunited with her mom and she’s being extremely annoying about getting a job at the Gazette. I don’t know how I could forget about April, but when she randomly showed up I went OH YEAH! Such a weird, crazy plotline. This news mellows Luke out about Christopher, which I hate how mad Luke gets when Christopher is brought up.

One Tree Hill; season 7. Everything about this season is making me angry. Brooke is pushing Julian away because she can’t deal with there being another person close to him, let alone a girl (who is really good at manipulating); I have to say, I DO like Victoria and how she’s pushing Brooke to let Julian all the way in. Alex attempts suicide and leans on Julian (probably a little more than she should) she needs more help than one person can give her. Millie also needs help, which again I like seeing Victoria help her with. Then Haley’s mom shows up to tell them she’s sick and we have a 3-episode arc where we see her final days and this is going to change Haley.

The Dead Zone; season 1. So, as you know I finished reading the book a few weeks ago and then I found out this show existed… aha it’s SO cheesy and so of it’s early 2000s time. I get how they could create a premise for a TV show, a guy who can touch a person or object and see things, makes for an interesting TV show… but like I say it’s been cheesy. I also hate his ex-girlfriend. She hasn’t moved on, really, she got married and moved on with her life, but when Johnny comes out of his coma she obsessed with everything he does, UGH drives me nuts.

The Good Doctor; season 4. Shaun and Lea decide to go camping and it’s a train wreck… and when he twists his ankle and expects Lea to do this emergency surgery… crazy! Every time Dr. Glassman makes an appearance with his wife it’s like watching cats fight, and nothing ever gets resolved because they go in the same circles and they don’t make any efforts or compromise to create change so they just spew into the same circle. UGH.

Station 19; season 4. I liked this episode because Vic really opened up with her parents about how she’s been feeling and the conversations she has with her mother are so heartbreaking, yet I’m glad they could break down the walls they each put around themselves. I also thought it was interesting that they decided to have Jack start spewing all these facts about how the police was formed, it seemed really real.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17: This was a nice episode. This one focused on starting trials for the vaccine as well as it seemed all the characters were focusing on showing their love for each other in some form or other.

What I’ve watched:

Orange is the New Black; season 4. WHAT WAS THAT?! How did we get here? The season went from being extremely weird to death in a matter of an episode. I did not see that coming. How could they kill of Poussey? I really liked her, but a guard accidentally kills her after a peaceful protest. A lot of this season I’ve felt really angry about these new guards they hired because they are gun-toting, women-hating, assholes. As much as I want to hate Captuo I can see that he wants to help the women in the prison from the corps who own the prisons, but he chose the wrong side when he saved Bailey’s ass; that starts an all out war and that ending – now I have to watch season 5 to see what is going to happen.

This Is Us; season 5. I’m sorry but WHAT was that season finale? So, I have to say that I kinda saw Kevin and Madison calling it off, it made sense and I have to say I’m glad they did because they didn’t have that chemistry. I also really loved Tess and Beth and the dress, my heart! Beth helps Tess make the dress more for her, uh! But those last few minutes where there is going to be a wedding, it’s not who we think and just WHAT – someone please scream with me!

The Matrix Revolutions. Yes, I finished the trilogy and I enjoyed this one just like the past 2. Even though the first hour was kinda on the boring side, I don’t know I really liked it. The action scenes were also really well done.

Seriously Single. OMG! This movie has been on my list for a long time and I’m happy I finally watched it because it was so good! At first the main character really annoyed me she was so obsessed with trying to find love that she got seriously desperate, but her journey was so good. Then her best friend, OMG she was my fave! Her best friend, Noni doesn’t believe in love and watching her interact with Max the entire movie was SO much fun – they were SO cute!

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #21 ðŸ‘›

    1. Thank you, I hope you had a good week too!
      You should definitely watch Gilmore Girls it’s such a homey show! I hope you enjoy what you’re watching 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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