Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Still Life with Tornado

Hello friends, happy Monday. I hope everyone is doing well, and if you celebrate, I hope you had a Merry Christmas! Today I’m going to be posting my review of A.S. King’s novel Still Life with Tornado.

Still Life with Tornado

Still Life with Tornado by: A.S. King: Sarah is sixteen, but she’s also ten, twenty-three and forty all at once. All past and future Sarah’s are worried about her, but it’s her present self that needs help. Ten-year-old Sarah represents a past she wants to forget, twenty-three and forty-year-old Sarah represent who she can be if she tells the truth. This novel was a whirlwind of a story. The reader has no idea what they are about to embark on. The beginning of this novel is super confusing; told in a back and forth time line with the addition of the main character at different ages, all interacting together, the reader has no idea what to make of it. But as the reader continues throughout the novel, the story starts to play out and the reader is intrigued about what has happened and what is going to happen. Looking past the way this was told, this was a gut wrenching story of trauma and living in an abusive home. This was fast-paced and it was the characters who really held the reader’s attention. King’s characters were so well developed; all of the Sarahs were so honest and so intense, yet they all held nothing back and the reader loved how open they were. Even the secondary characters were so raw, strong and powerful. This was definitely different yet so good and it held so much emotion.

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