Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #51 πŸŽ²

Hello friends, Merry Christmas Eve and happy Friday, welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 804
On page 180

The Bachman Books; 87% of the way; I’m continuing to read The Running Man this week and so it’s made clear that the main character, Richards, is running away from this reality Free-Vee show thing, but it reads like a fever dream; it’s been super bizarre.

Lastly, I’m reading Fireblood by: Elly Blake. I’ve completely forgotten what happened in the first book, but it’s slowly coming back – this second book has been really fast-paced and I’m flying through it.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I read Jonny Appleseed by: Joshua Whitehead. I can see why it won Canada Reads, but this wasn’t for me. I still need to write my review, but this felt disjointed but there was poignant writing mixed in as well.

I also finished Missing by: Kelley Armstrong; I love her writing, but I didn’t love this book. I felt disappointed by this read. I know that she can write better thrillers than this so this was a letdown for me.

Lastly, I finished Marlena by: Julie Buntin. I’m still trying to process my feelings about this book. It wasn’t bad, but I didn’t truly get the point in the way it was told. I think this would have been more effective storytelling if it wasn’t told in the way that it was.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #50 πŸ•―

Review: The Fates Divide

Review: The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley

The Modern-Day Christmas Song Tag

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

I’ve been slacking this week, hopefully I’ll be back next week for the very last week of the year!

This week started with me finishing my Christmas shopping, I mean by this point I should be done, but Sunday I finished it all up!

I can’t believe it’s already Christmas! Today, Christmas Eve, has been very busy for me. I worked half the day, the second half has been me running around, last minute shopping/wrapping, I got a hair cut (whoo!) and I’ve baked (and made a terrible mess of the oven 😱 – it’s been a long time since I’ve baked, yikes!). I’m ready to wind down now.

What I’m watching:

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 3. This season has taken us on a journey! One episode we’re time traveling to fix the past, the next we’re in a western, then we’re in 2004? It’s been a crazy rollercoaster and I never know what to expect. I can’t believe they tried to trick us into thinking Tripp died, I cried, even when it wasn’t him – that was an all around emotional episode… also the whole reveal about Tripp’s feelings for T’Pol (I think my heart cried).

The Movies That Made Us; season 3. I have one last episode left, but I like how they categorized the movies this season. We had some horror, science fiction, comedy and Christmas. This season there were a lot more movies I haven’t seen, mostly the horror movies (where I actually had to think if I’d seen them or not because they’re SO wildly popular). But I enjoyed listening to all the stories.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine; season 7. I’m making my way through this season rewatch, one episode a week it feels because I watched another 1, the one with Debbie and her crazy plot – I never really understood that storyline.

What I’ve watched:

Home Alone 2. This was a re-watch obviously and I loved it just like I do every year.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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