Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Uprooted

Hello everyone, happy Monday! But is it really a happy Monday? You tell me. My Monday is just another day I want to get through, that’s work life, am I right?
I also can’t believe it’s October? Where did September go? That month just disappeared! I have to say it was the fasted month so far this year for me. Anyways, today I’m going to be reviewing Naomi Novik’s novel Uprooted.


Uprooted by: Naomi Novik: The Wood is a terrible place, and the only one who can keep the powers at bay is a wizard they call the Dragon. In order for the village to work with the Wood, the Dragon has a price; choosing a female to serve him for 10 years. Choosing day is coming up and Agnieszka is afraid her best friend Kasia will be chosen; all odds point to it, but what really happens is something no one saw coming. This novel was very legend and myth heavy, which at times made it hard to follow along with the plot; the plot would get lost every once in a while as Novik was very fond of using purple prose, so it didn’t make anything any clearer. What did help were the characters; they were diverse, well thought out and quite likeable. From start to finish the characters come out as almost different people, so it was nice to see character growth.


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