Monthly Wrap-Ups

February 2024 Wrap-Up

Hello friends, happy Thursday, and happy Leap Year! I hope you’ve all been keeping well! This month has gone by in a blur, so let’s just jump into my wrap up!

Currently Reading:

On page 481

The Talisman by: Stephen King & Peter Straub. I’ve just started part 4 and it’s been very fast-paced; I feel like we’re very close to the Talisman now. The dynamic between Jack and Richard I don’t care for, but I’ve come to just accept it at this point because I think Richard is going to stick around until the end. I’m curious how it’s all going to come together; for most of part 3 everything felt mumble-jumbled, I hope the end can put it all together. I know that I’ll find out soon!

On page 66

The Canterbury Tales by: Geoffrey Chaucer. My next classic read and I’m nervous about reading this because of the older English, I’m worried I’m going to have a hard time with it. So far I’ve read 2 tales and I feel like I’m spending too much time trying to figure out what is actually being said, that I’m forgetting that there is am actual story being told. This is going to be a long read. I hope it gets easier.

On page 128

Cowboy Graves by: Roberto Bolaño. I’m reading this for the StoryGraph challenge to read from a bunch of different countries, this one is for Chile. I like the writing, but I’m not really connecting with the stories. It doesn’t mean I’m not liking it, I just wish I connected more. I have 1 more story left and I look forward to it.

What I’ve Read:


Chain of Thorns by: Cassandra Clare. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Technically, I finished this the very end of January, but alas, I enjoyed the last novel in the Shaowhunter Universe. I thought it could have used some editing, but in the end I liked it.

Citizen by: Claudia Rankine. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was a book told in short essays and poems on the mircoagressions that happen within the US; it was moving and very interesting.

The Divine Comedy: Paradise by: Dante. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ I’m finally done reading the Divine Comedy after what feels like ages. I enjoyed this, there were a lot of interesting concepts that kept me going.

Junie by: Chelene Knight. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My first 5-star of the year; this book was just so good in so many ways; the pain, the joy, the growth, it was all so beautifully interwoven.

The Winter Knight by: Jes Battis. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was a soft 3-star read; I liked the concept, but the execution wasn’t great; the writing was well done though.

As Bright As Heaven by: Susan Meissner. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This novel surprised me; I didn’t think I’d like it as much as I did; the wriiting, the story and the characters were just all so compelling and full of heart.

The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by: Silvia Moreno-Garcia. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Another one of her books that I really enjoyed; it was full of such weirdness that I really enjoyed. The characters weren’t it for me, but the plot was so good!

Brave New World by: Aldous Huxley. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was a reread for me and I enjoyed it. I felt like I got more out of it when I studied it in school, but I still enjoyed this reread.

The Sinner by: Petra Hammesfahr. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was translated from German, and I thought it was an alright read. I felt confused most of the time, but there were moments that I did like, even if they were few and far between.

Links to my my blog posts this past month:

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books talked about her biggest writing resolution

Krysta @Unbound Pages posted about being replaced by AI, who would hear our stories and Briana posted a PSA on WordPress and Tumblr using our blogs to steal our work to train AI

This month started on a whirlwind of events; I feel like so many things blurred together. But amongst all the good, I did manage to get sick, which royally sucked because it almost felt like I was never going to get better… I did though, yay! I started seeing a foot doctor to see if this will help my chronic back pain. I also feel like I’ve barely done any blogging this month, aside from reviews. Life has just been a lot recently, see my highlights below, but I hope to get more than just reviews up soon.


✨Went to the NHL All-Star Thursday event with 2 friends

✨Spent the day downtown Toronto, exploring new places – found a really yummy dessert place!

✨Went to brunch with a friend

✨Went downtown Toronto to watch live music

✨Went bar hopping

✨Met new people

✨Attended some publishing webinars

✨Baked 48 cupcakes + raspberry frosting from scratch for a party

✨Threw a party for my brother’s 25th birthday

✨Went out to dinner quite a few times

✨Went skating for the first time in years, so much fun!

✨Went to the beach – in the middle of winter, good times

What I’ve watched:

The Shadowhunters; season 2. I finished up the second season and I enjoyed it just as much as the first. I loved that we got more Valentine, and that we got to see the Sebastian/Jonathan plot play out. I wasn’t sure if we were going to get it. We got a bunch of Max… I’m still wondering if his fate is going to end up the way it did in the books. I feel like so much has been changed or moved around, my brain can’t remember. All I know is that I’m enjoying it. I’m sad that there’s only 1 more season left because this is actually really good. I love all the dynamics. I wasn’t sure we were going to get Clary and Jace… but I mean, what kind of adaption would it be without them as a couple. I hate that this season was mostly Alec and Magnus fighting because boo! I really liked the Isabelle and Raphael plots, damn did those two look really good together. I’m excited to see where the last season is going to take the show.

Star Trek: Voyager; season 6. I have one more season left and I’m finished this series… I honestly can’t believe it. This season has been full of new exploration and just trying desperately to get home. I love that they brought back Barkley and Deanna from The Next Generation; it felt so amazing to see them again. Apparently Barkley is the one who may be able to bring them back home. So the last episode said they could be home in another 5-6 years, so I’m so curious how long that will take during the course of season 7. But as for this season, the Borg plots have been great – I love that Seven is basically a Borg mom now. And the Doctor sure got his fill of things to do, I swear the season was all about him, doing things, trying things, they really gave him a lot. It was so awesome to see him meet his creator – what an amazing episode. It was also good to see Kes again for an episode! Now I can’t wait to see how it all ends!

Bear in the Big Blue House; season 1. I have to say, I’m so happy I started rewatching this. I saw a lot of this when I was younger because my brother really loved this show as a kid, but watching it as an adult is a whole other experience. I never noticed how Bear is basically the only adult-like character in the house, talking to all his friends, like the children they are. It’s hilarious because you can hear the sarcasm he sometimes uses that will float over kids’ heads. Or the way he’s always like ‘what are you doing?’ makes me laugh every time. I also love that Bear loves to sing… about everything – I didn’t remember all the singing. I also can’t really stand Tutter, omg what an annoying little mouse. I honestly think he’s the teenager of the house. His mood-swings are through the roof, then they had an episode where he just ate everything in the fridge, and another where he didn’t want to go camping with everyone else, he’d rather stay inside and listen to his music… it’s such an interesting dynamic of characters. I truly wonder if they’ll keep things the same for the next season or try to change things up. I guess I’ll find out.

The Simpsons; season 14. Okay, technically I still have 1 more episode left of this season… but I’m adding it here. This was another solid season. I have to say they started the season really obsessed with Marge and her body… like so many boob storylines, why? That aside, I did like the rest of the season. I like that Sideshow Bob made an appearance; I feel like it’s been a while since he’s come back to try and kill Bart – that’s one of my favourite running gags. I can’t believe Principle Skinner and Edna got engaged… it was so pathetic, yet very on par for their story. That’s one storyline that is just so sad. Otherwise, the stories have been entertaining and I look forward to the next season.

List of Movies:

  • Disney Movies
    • I didn’t watch a single movie for this project… or well any movies this month. Oh well, there’s always next month!

Christopher Robin – yes this is a Disney movie, but I didn’t watch it for my project so I’m putting it here. I love this movie to bits so a rewatch happens every once in a while!

What I’m watching:

Boy Meets World; season 4. I’m slightly further than I was at the start of the month… I think I’ve watched 4 epiosdes, since I’m watching 1 a week to follow along with the podcast. I’ve been enjoying the episodes; there are episodes I don’t remember at all, then there are some I do; it’s so interesting what we remember. I feel like season 3 was a slog, but this one has actually been really enjoyable. Plus, they’ve really taken on heavy topics.

Star Trek: Voyager; season 7. The last season! So far, in the few epiosdes I’ve seen, I’m enjoying it, I mean B’lanna and Tom finally got married… to be fair I thought they already were. I’m kinda sad that we didn’t get a proper episode for that, but what’re you going to do?

Angel; season 2. I’m halfway through this season and I’m liking it. I like the addition of the karaoke bar/lounge. It’s been a very entertaining new location. I’m kinda tired of the Darla plotline, I’m hoping that it’s going to wrap up soon. Angel is just obsessed with her.

The Good Doctor; season 7. I can’t believe this has come back for a season 7! To me it’s still in like it’s 3rd or 4th season. Anyways, only a few episodes have aired and I’m liking Shaun as a father because it’s been giving him a new perspective on life. Plus, we have some new doctors so that will shake things up a bit.

Law & Order: Toronto; season 1. When I first saw the commercial for this, I thought it was a spoof… turns out it’s a real show. Again, I’ve only seen the first few epiosdes that have aired, but they aren’t bad. I like the main male detective, he’s got this dry, sarcastic sense of humour that just makes me laugh. I look forward to seeing how this show does!

Instagram & YouTube videos from the month:

How was your February? Read, watch, do anything interesting? Let me know!

16 thoughts on “February 2024 Wrap-Up

    1. Thank you! Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you were sick as well! I hope you’re feeling better. Yes, let’s hope March is a healthier month!
      Right?! Bear is such an amazing show! It’s great to watch to unwind after a long day at work!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I find Chaucer pretty difficult to read, as well. It helps if I read it out loud because the words tend to sound similar, just look weird. But, I guess, read alone if trying that? Unless you want to give a dramatic reading, lol!

    Thanks for sharing our posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard about reading it out loud. I’ve given it a try, but I still get a little lost in the words and not the story. I laughed at the dramatic reading, when I bought the book, one of my best friends did exactly that! 😂
      I do have to say, it is getting a little easier to read because I’m getting used to the way it’s told.

      You’re very welcome! 😄


      1. I love the image of your friend doing a dramatic reading! But I do agree that when you are reading, then you might be focused more on reading well than absorbing the text. I know when we went around in school each reading a part of the textbook out loud, I always had to read my part over again when I was finished, because I was too focused on not mispronouncing anything or faltering–I was worried about looking silly in front of my classmates.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh man, I remember having to read out loud in class and hating it, I can only imagine how nerve wracking reading Chaucer would have been!
        I think I’m starting to pick up the actual stories, it’s not perfect but it’s definitely a step in the right direction, which makes me proud!


      3. Oh, I distinctly remember reading Chaucer out loud in class. I went after “Bob”. Teacher: “Bob, well done! Great accent!” I read. Teacher: “And…next!” XD


  2. Hopefully the Chaucer will get easier as you get more into it. I agree with Krysta about reading it aloud though. After all, that’s how most people heard them originally. I remember really enjoying the Wife of Bath and disliking the Nun’s Priest’s tale.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a very fair and true point! Everything was spoken word back in the day!
      That’s good to hear, I haven’t gotten to either of those tales yet, but I’m looking forward to read more – it is getting lightly easier now that I’ve read some, and I’m getting used to the way it’s told. I’m hoping once I read more, it’ll get even more easier!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! It’s 100% a thing, and it’s actually really good! If you watch it, you’ll have to let me know, I’d love to chat with you about it!
      Thank you! I hope you have an amazing month, too! 💜

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that sounds like it would be SO helpful!
      Right now I’m just going in blind it feels, but I’ve been looking up the Sparknotes after I read a tale to make sure I’m getting what’s being said!

      Liked by 1 person

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