Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Fates Divide

Hi friends, happy Monday, I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Veronica Roth’s novel, The Fates Divide.

You can read my review of book one: Carve the Mark

The Fates Divide

The Fates Divide by: Veronica Roth: Cyra Noavek’s father Lazmet, thought to be dead, makes his return to be stronger than ever. He inflicts an all-out war between the planets to gain control of everything and now Cyra and Akos must stop him. But when Cyra and Akos find out that they aren’t who they thought they were plans get complicated and the mission feels impossible. This novel was the sequel to Carve the Mark and it did end the story well. This novel was fast-paced, but that was all it really had going for it. The reader had a hard time keeping track of which character was which as some of their names looked similar and that took the reader out of the story too many times. As for the overall plot, it was good, slightly entertaining, it did close off and wrap up everything that was left hanging from the first book. This one also opened up new storylines that were somewhat complex but Roth was able to also wrap those up too, so that this ended on a resolved note, which the reader enjoyed. This also didn’t need to be as long as it was. Roth spent time describing things with purple prose and it wasn’t really needed because it didn’t feel like it helped expand or add to the world building or to the story or to the characters. The characters definitely went through a lot this novel as they learned new things about themselves and their families. They went through growth, but they also still felt two dimensional; they didn’t feel deeply developed and the reader just couldn’t connect with them. In the end, this duology had potential but it fell flat.  

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