
The Christmas Book Blogger Tag

First and foremost, Merry Christmas to all my beautiful blogging friends out there! I hope you’re all having a fabulous day no matter what you’re doing, whether you celebrate or not! 🎄❤️
This is the first time (that I can remember) that I’m posting something on Christmas day, but Alex @Whimsy Pages tagged me in the Christmas Book Blogger Tag and it felt like the perfect tag for Christmas, so here we are! Thank you SO much Alex! If you aren’t following Alex, make sure to change that, she’s one of the kindest bloggers I’ve met who has a lovely blog that I love reading!

The Christmas Book Blogger Tag” was created by Between my Lines.

What Is Your Favourite Christmas Scene In A Book?

Hmm, I don’t read a lot of “Christmas” books, so I’m going to have to use a cop out here and say Harry Potter because it’s the only thing I can think of at this moment.

Do You Have Any Christmas Book Traditions?

I’m SO lame, no I don’t! I wish I did, but I’ve never had any reading traditions, just my go-to movies that I watch!

Do You Prefer To Get Presents Of Book Vouchers Or Books?

Hmmm, this is such a good question! I love getting books because, even if it’s not what I asked for, I love that someone put thought into thinking I was going to like the book they chose. I feel like it’s a little more personal.

Do You Give Books As Presents?

Yes! I’ve done it in the past a few times, and actually this year I got a few books for my friends! It’s funny, I’ve known my core group of friends for 10+ years and I’ve always known they like to read, but I’ve only just discovered that they really like to read, it’s amazing and we should totally start a book club!

What Bookish Item Is On Your Christmas Wishlist?

OH! I actually have one on my list this year that isn’t just bookmarks, haha! I asked for a book holder so that if my hands are busy (since I like to eat and read, yes I’m shameful!) I can have it propped up beside me… far far away from the book!

What 3 Books Would You Love Santa To Have In His Sack For You?

I really want:

You Are Awesome by: Neil Pasricha
A Map of Days by: Ransom Riggs
(I know this doesn’t come out until Jan. but) The Conference of the Birds by: Ransom Riggs

Fake Christmas Tree Or Real Christmas Tree?

I’ve always had a fake tree, so I’m going to stick with that answer, also because it saves on cutting down real trees!

What’s Your Favourite Thing About Christmas?

The joy it brings. I love seeing everyone’s reaction to the gifts I got them. It fills me with such joy to see people grateful and happy with the things I’ve given.

What Christmas Book Would You Recommend?

Ah, well, please refer to question one where I say I don’t read a lot of “Christmas” books so I wouldn’t even know where to begin… I’m going to skip out on this one!

What Dish On Your Christmas Menu Are You Most Looking Forward To?

Oh man, I’m just looking forward to stuffing because I love stuffing SO much! I love turkey too, so that, and of course the sweets, any sweets doesn’t matter!

When Do You Open Your Christmas Presents?

We do them as a family as soon as everyone gets up. As we’ve gotten older that time has moved later and later, but it’s still a lot of fun!

What’s Your Favourite Christmas Song?

Serena Ryder’s Calling to Say. It makes me very happy… and she’s Canadian so double win for me! 😀

Are You Dreaming Of A White Christmas?

Always! It just feels so Christmasy with snow, but that could just be because I grew up with white Christmases… although the past few years (more like almost 10) it hasn’t been very snowy!


Seeing as it is Christmas, I’m going to leave it out there for anyone to do!

5 thoughts on “The Christmas Book Blogger Tag

  1. Merry Christmas, hun! I feel like I ate waaaay too much in the past two days, lol. I hope you had a wonderful time!

    On Christmas day we all watched the first HP movie, that was ❤ And I played old HP video game, ahah which was also tons of fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Merry Christmas Alex! ❤️🎄
      I feel you… but I can’t seem to stop eating haha!
      Aw, that sounds like such a lovely way to spend the day! I spent my day with family, eating and enjoying everyone’s company! ☺️

      Liked by 1 person

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