WWW Wednesday #35 šŸŽ

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted byĀ MizBĀ atĀ A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 1105
On page 245
On page 45




The Stand: I’m 95% of the way through; Only 4 more chapters left… the end is near. This week, I had two longer chapters that didn’t need to be that long. It felt like words were added just for the sake of adding them. Adding these words didn’t add to the story… just made it feel never ending. BUT there were some interesting developments so it wasn’t all bad.
P.S I Still Love You: I’m 72% of the way through; I’m flying through this book, I feel faster than the first. I’m liking the addition of John Ambrose… I think I like him more than Peter. I don’t know where this story is going to go, but I like it.
Lastly I’m readingĀ Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by: Reni Eddo-Lodge. I just picked this up last night so I’m not very far. I didn’t realize this was more UK based, but I’m still enjoying it because I’m not familiar with racism and its history in the UK. I look forward to diving in.






I finished Replica by: Lauren Oliver and oh boy was I not ready for how good this was going to be. I like that this was told in two different perspectives from the two different sides in this story… I don’t know how to describe it without giving it all away, but I loved it. The story was so intriguing and it only got better for me when I read it Lyra’s POV then Gemma’s.
I also finished Kopp Sisters on the March by: Amy Stewart. This was another good addition to the Kopp Sisters books, this one wasn’t my favourite but I still enjoyed all the drama that ensues in this one!


I can officially say that I have less books here than I did last week! Woohoo! I’m not adding anything because I have nothing new. Everything that I’ll be reading next is from weeks past… I really need to get my act together!

The Secret Commonwealth (The Book of Dust #2)by: Philip Pullman
So You Want to Talk About Race by: Ijeoma Oluo
A Blade so BlackĀ by: L.L. McKinney
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by: Talia Hibbert
One Dark ThroneĀ by: Kendra Blake






What are you all reading?

3 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #35 šŸŽ

    1. I’ve read the first book already and I posted my review in 2016, if you care to read it: /2016/11/21/review-three-dark-crowns/

      Looking back, I didn’t love it as much as I thought I was going to, but I look forward to reading the second book… 4 years later. I don’t know if I’m going to read this or The Secret Commonwealth next, but I’ll have to make a decision soon! šŸ˜Š

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