Monthly Wrap-Ups

September 2020 Wrap-Up

Hi friends, today I’ll be wrapping up my September! How are we at the end of September? I swear this month flew by SO fast! Before I know it, I’ll be wrapping up the end of the year! 😱

If you missed August’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:

I started my next Stephen King read, Night Shift a collection of short stories from 1971-1978. So far, I’ve read 2 short stories; the first wasn’t my cup of tea, but the second one was better. We shall see how the rest of this collection will go. 



That is all I’m currently reading as I finished up two reads last night. 

What I read this month:

I read a total of 11 books this month; WHO am I? I don’t know how I managed that but I’m happy with that! Then my Instagram game was stellar this month compared to the last couple months – I honestly think it’s being a part of an Instagram engagement group that has really sparked my inspiration. 😊

Kopp Sisters on the March (Kopp Sisters #5) by: Amy Stewart
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by: Reni Eddo-Lodge
P.S. I Still Love You (To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before #2) by: Jenny Han
The Secret Commonwealth (The Book of Dust #2) by: Philip Pullman
The Stand by: Stephen King
One Dark Throne (Three Dark Crowns #2) by: Kendare Blake
Get a Life, Chloe Brown (The Brown Sisters #1) by: Talia Hibbert
Ringer (Replica #2) by: Lauren Oliver
Another Day in the Death of America by: Gary Younge
Always and Forever, Lara Jean (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before #3) by: Jenny Han
Two Dark Reigns (Three Dark Crowns #3) by: Kendare Blake



Book Reviews this month:

The Conference of the Birds (Miss Peregrine #5) by: Ransom Riggs
The Umbrella Academy Vol. 3 by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba
Extras (Uglies #4) by: Scott Westerfeld
The Poet X by: Elizabeth Acevedo
The Black Flamingo by: Dean Atta
Felix Ever After by: Kacen Callendar
A Poison Dark and Drowning (Kingdom on Fire #2) by: Jessica Cluess
Just Mercy by: Bryan Stevenson


Currently Watching:

I’m continuing my re-watch of Gilmore Girls with season 2 and of course enjoying it. I forgot how early Jess is introduced and that when he does Luke pushes him into the lake – that’s one of my favourite scenes, it’s hilarious!

I’m finally, finally getting around to watching Dear White People. I’ve seen it on Netflix for some time now and I’m digging in. I’m only 2 episodes in so I don’t have too much to say just yet, but the pilot has me intrigued to continue. 

What I Watched this month:

I finished up season 4 of Heroes and man, I’m still thinking about how meh I felt the ending was. I have a write up for each of the seasons that I’m hoping to post in the following weeks. I think I’m going to watch Heroes Reborn to see what that has to offer.

I finished up season 1 of my re-watch of Gilmore Girls. I like that I’m taking my time with this series because it’s so comforting.

I finished season 2 of The Umbrella Academy guys, I don’t think I’ve been more in love with a TV show than this season. I scream all about it in my wrap up which is linked below so be sure to check that out for more of my thoughts!

After reading the book, The Stand, it was only right to watch the TV mini series with the same name. Oh, my, this was god awful. I can’t even sugar coat it. I put my thoughts of this in my King Project wrap up, linked below, but it was so long and slow paced and the acting wasn’t great. Plus the ending, they changed a bunch and added a rape scene when that didn’t happen that way in the book. Honestly, if you’ve read the book, you may enjoy it… but otherwise, this was just not good. 

I watched Heroes Reborn and I have to say, I enjoyed this for the most part. Again, that ending! So I went into this season thinking this was a standalone sequel to the show Heroes… so when I got to the final episode with SO many questions… I didn’t realize this got cancelled. Ugh. This poor series. I will have more thoughts on this in my wrap up in the coming weeks.

Starting New Girl was a complete fluke… I wasn’t prepared for what I signed up for. I was able to complete 5 seasons of the show this month because I couldn’t stop watching. I completely adored season 1 – season 2 I could take or leave and the show was starting to go downhill until they introduced Coach in season 3… possibly my favourite character. The season 4 finale is probably hands down my favourite episode and I look forward to the last 2 seasons. I’ll start back after October is over.

As I continue with my King project, I’ll be watching a lot of adaptations with these short stories (19 to be exact) and Graveyard Shift was the first one. This was truly a product of it’s time – it was super cheesy, really gruesome, kinda slow but did an good job of bringing the short story to life. 

TV Tuesday Posts:

Let’s Talk About… Fuller House Season Five
Let’s Talk About… The Umbrella Academy Season Two

Posts from the Month

WWW Wednesday #35 🍎
WWW Wednesday #36 📚
WWW Wednesday #37 📝
WWW Wednesday #38 🍃
WWW Wednesday #39 🍂

The Stephen King Project: The Stand

The Liebster Award VII

I’m feeling excited about the last four months of the year… just like thousands of others in the world, this time of the year is my favourite. I love the weather, the coziness of it, the warm drinks, the food (I really seem to get my bake on this time of year) and I just love the overall festiveness of it; from fall to halloween to my birthday and Christmas, it’s just a nice time of year.

I haven’t been this excited for a few years now, and since we are still living in a pandemic I thought getting excited about it again is a good way to boost my spirits.

With that I baked… I haven’t baked since early July… so it felt good to be back in the kitchen. Below is my apple loaf.

Sports came to an end for me mid-September. I’ve been watching the Toronto Raptors play basketball in the playoffs and they were doing so well… until they weren’t. There’s something about Toronto teams playing badly when they play again Boston teams. They fought their hardest but when it came down to game 7 they just couldn’t do it. It was a close game and I know that Pascal Sikam wasn’t on his game I just hate the hate that he received after that game. There are a lot of very mean people out there who are just dragging him through the dirt and some of it doesn’t even have to do with basketball. I understand that fans are mad that they lost, but keep it to basketball and critiquing his style, don’t drag him personally through the dirt. 
Okay, my rant over 😅 It just makes me angry when I read garbage. 

Sports rant aside, I also did some tie dye this month. My friends and I tied dyed sweatshirts, which was a lot of fun. This is the first time I’ve done this since I was 12 and I think it turned out pretty good. (I hope to take a photo soon – sorry!)

Again, this was another month of working at home. Our numbers are going up again; I think the last I heard Ontario had over 700 cases so I’m curious to see what this means going forward. I’m wondering if we’ll be going back into lockdown like we were in the Spring… part of me totally understands the reasoning, but the other part really doesn’t want that.
As for work, I heard we’ve moved into Phase 2 but I don’t know how many people are actually in the office currently. We were told Phase 3 will be when everyone is back… which I honestly don’t see happening until next year at the earliest. 

How was your September? Do anything memorable? 

Happy October! 🍂

8 thoughts on “September 2020 Wrap-Up

    1. I feel you 100% on that! It was such a feel good trilogy and the life lessons that Lara Jean learns UH so good and so relatable!
      That’s what I did! I bought the paperback boxset back in April for like 20 bucks, so I totally feel you!


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