Children's Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Five Days of Famous

Hi friends, happy Monday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Alyson Noël’s novel Five Days of Famous.

Five Days of Famous

Five Days of Famous by: Alyson Noël: Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Nick thinks he’s got what it takes to be the next big teen heartthrob. When auditions roll into town for a chance at fame, Nick jumps at the chance. When things don’t go his way, he makes a wish, one that he almost can’t take back. This novel was firstly, really fast-paced and the reader found themselves flying through this story, but it was also missing something. Sure, this novel was good and it had a good moral plotline, but it felt very cookie cutter and basic. A kid who wants all the fame, gets the fame only to find out he doesn’t really want the fame just felt really predictable. The only thing that really made this novel stand out was the fact that it was centred around Christmas, that added a warm touch to the story. The characters were your typical tweens, there wasn’t really anything memorable about them. The journey Nick went on was good, but feels like it’s been done before. The secondary characters felt really two dimensional and only felt like their purpose was for Nick to feel like he was better than them; he does come to appreciate the people in his life, but it takes time to get there. All in all, this was a decent novel with a lesson to be learned.

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