Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

My Twitter Party Review: Breaking Dawn

Hello, and happy Wednesday friends! I did it, I finished the Twilight Saga, when I thought it would never end, it finally did! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Stephanie Meyer’s Breaking Dawn  plus all my rantings on Twitter!

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn by: Stephanie Meyer: The countdown to Bella becoming a vampire is on, only there is one small complication, Bella gets pregnant and the outcome of that leads to yet another all-out war. This novel was just poorly executed. This novel didn’t need to be as long as it was. It felt like Meyer wasted a lot of her words just to extend the book. The plot was simple really, Bella gives birth to a half immortal and no one has ever heard of such a thing, or have they? The whole novel is the anticipation of the birth of this thing and then the build-up to the war it’s going to ensue, but we never really get much. Meyer spends too much time building, only to let her readers fall with her cop out endings. The way this novel ended was just so flat, there was no battle, just people fighting with words, only to back down and the “good” guys win by default. It left the reader feeling cheated, they invested all this time, 700+ pages, to get an ending that was so mediocre. And then, why was Meyer introducing all these new characters in the last few chapters of her final novel in a saga? That didn’t add anything to the story, if anything it left the reader more confused because now they have to try to remember who is who and what their power is. That isn’t the time to start adding new vampires out of left field. Her original characters didn’t even develop much, they were still the same dull created characters they were when they started. Overall, this felt like a tacked on novel that really didn’t add or take away from anything that happened previous. It was just a way to give all of these characters their happily ever after.

9 thoughts on “My Twitter Party Review: Breaking Dawn

  1. Omg I love this post!!!! So funny :)))))) I’m such a twihard though. Like I know the books are trash but I don’t care lol 😂😂😂 these books are my happy place 🙈😂🙈😂🙈😂🙈

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