
This or That Book Tag II

Hi friends, happy Tuesday! I hope everyone is doing well. Today I’ll be participating in the This or That book tag! I was tagged by not one, but two lovely ladies who you all should follow because they are both so sweet, so supportive and all around super, genuine and friendly people! Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts and Sofii @A Book. A Thought. Thank you both SO much for thinking of me and tagging me! 😊❤️

I did this tag 3 years ago and if you’re curious about those answers you can check out that post here. I’d like to see how different I answered them… spoiler alert… not much 😂

Read on the bed or the couch?

This is so hard since I like both places. I’m going to have to say bed though… nothing like getting under the covers right before bed.

Read at night or in the morning?

Well, from my answer above, definitely night haha! Even though I read at all times of the day, I prefer at night.

Male main character or female main character?

This honestly doesn’t bother me – for the sake of this question I will say female.

First person POV or third person POV?

Again, I don’t really have a preference for this – but again for the sake of the question, I’d say first POV, I feel more connected to the characters that way.

Trilogies or quartets?

Ahhhh, probably trilogies. Sometimes I find quartets drag out a story when it’s not needed.

Libraries or bookstore?

OH MY! This is so hard. I love bookstores, but I love my libraries too. I think I’m going to say libraries because I visit the library more often.

Books that make you laugh or cry?

Most definitely laugh! I love laughing out loud to books 😂

Black book covers or white book covers?

I find this question really random. I love colourful covers, but I’ll go with black covers.

Character-driven or plot-driven?

EEHHH, this is hard. Sometimes I find character driven stories really dry because they can lack a good story so I think I’m going to go with plot driven.


I’m going to be tagging just a few people – if you see this tag and want to take part, feel free; if tags aren’t your thing, feel free to ignore it too!

Anna | Lauren | Laurie | Karla |

9 thoughts on “This or That Book Tag II

  1. Awe yay! Sofii tagged you too! She’s a sweetie. I’m glad you had fun with this tag!

    Even though I said couch, I TEND to read more in bed. It’s just when I tend to read ha-ha! And yup … night reader for sure. I actually love reading in the morning but I just haven’t been over the last little while.

    I’m totally with you on quartets — I always find they’re just too much. I can’t even think of a quartet that I’ve enjoyed.

    The library and bookstores was so hard!!!!!! UGH! I honestly only chose bookstores because I can BUY the books ha-ha! OH MY GOSH! THAT LAUGHING GIF!

    Glad you had fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Thank you again for tagging me, this was fun!

      Haha, the bed always wins for me. I think it’s because I can find multiple comfy positions 😂 I used to read in the morning when I had a commute to work, but since I no longer take a bus to work I find I don’t read in the morning anymore.

      YES! I would have to think about that too, like sure there have quartets I’ve liked, but have I liked all the books, probably not!

      Right?! I couldn’t let my library down, I truly love my library system (one of the only things I’m proud of about Brampton 😂) Hehe, the gif is amazing! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love how both we tagged you in the same tag almost at the same time 😂, we really wanted you to do it 😍✨
    Some of these questions are kind of hard to answer, right? I don’t care about the pov in a book, but I definitely prefer first pov for the connection too & reading at night is the best 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, yes! I’m so glad that you both did because I enjoyed participating! 😊💞
      Yes! I was like, I like both options how do I choose?! Glad you enjoyed reading my answers! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me Meghan!! 💕 Love your answers as always. I also love reading at night, it’s so quiet and I also like reading in bed but I end up falling asleep 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! ❤️
      Aw, thank you! Haha, but the good part about reading in bed and falling asleep is you’re already in bed! 😅 So cozy!


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