Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Sisters of the Snake

Hello and happy Wednesday friends! I hope you’re all having a good week so far! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Sarena and Sasha Nanua’s novel Sisters of the Snake.

Sisters of the Snake

Sisters of the Snake by: Sarena & Sasha Nanua: When Rani and Ria’s lives collide one night, things will never be the same. The two are identical, yet know nothing about one another. Rani is a princess in the castle, destined to rule, while Ria is an orphan who thieves to stay alive. In order to save their home, they must work together to unravel the mystery of a prophecy and locate a mythical object. This was such an adventurously fast-paced novel with never a dull moment. The reader really felt immersed in the world as the world building was so lush and easy to fall in love with. The plot was also a lot of fun to read. The overall story arc was captivating with so many twists and turns to keep the reader on their toes. The atmosphere was dark and chilling and gave the novel an extra layer of mystery. The magic in this was so cool and well thought out; the authors did such a great job of creating this world that was magical. The romance plots were cute, but they felt sort of predictable; it didn’t feel very original how the relationships were formed. They weren’t bad relationships, but the reader didn’t care for how inevitable they felt. The whole don’t know they’re a twin trope was engaging and exciting because it let us get to know the characters better; it really opened up the characterization because as characters were getting to know each other, so was the reader. The characters were developed and their growth from the beginning of the novel to the end was progressive and this ended in a place where the reader is excited to see where their stories will continue next. The reader appreciated that this didn’t end on a complete cliff hanger and that it wrapped up really nicely, while leaving just a hint of intrigue for what will happen in the sequel.

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