Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Song of Achilles

Hi friends and happy Friday, yay! I hope you all had a good week! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Madeline Miller’s novel The Song of Achilles.

The Song of Achilles

The Song of Achilles by: Madeline Miller: When Patroclus gets exiled from his homeland he meets the famous Achilles, best of the Greeks, and the two form a close bond. The two do everything together so when Helen of Sparta is kidnaped and all of Greece set out to fight, Achilles joins their cause. Patroclus reluctantly follows his friend, not sure what lays ahead and the sacrifices they will have to make. This was such an intense and heartfelt novel. At first this novel didn’t feel like much; it’s slow paced and the reader already had a slight idea of how this could end, knowing the battle of Troy history, but oh were they wrong when it came to this novel. Miller took her time in the beginning to establish her characters, for them to grow and for the reader to get to know them and learn to really like them. She wrote of love in the purest forms and it was so beautiful; watching the two main characters’ love each other, lose each other, find each other was truly passionate and at times emotional. The plots kept the reader engaged but it was the characters that truly made this novel. They were so deeply developed and their slow growth progression really let the reader understand who they were. That ending, the reader wasn’t prepared for; it came out of left field and was completely shocking. Anything the reader thought they might know, out the window. Miller truly turned everything around in the span of a few chapters and we’re still recovering. This is a really well-crafted and well written story that will, in the end, crush hearts.

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