Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Deepest of Secrets

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope all is well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Kelley Armstrong’s seventh novel in the Rockton series, The Deepest of Secrets.

Read more: Review: The Deepest of Secrets

You can read my review of books one – four : The Rockton Series
You can read my review of book five: Alone in the Wild
You can read my review of book six: A Stranger in Town

The Deepest of Secrets

The Deepest of Secrets by: Kelley Armstrong: The small, secret town of Rockton has gotten by all these years on the fact that everyone knows as little as possible about each other. No one knows what the other has done to find themselves starting over in this town. But now, secret pasts are starting to reveal themselves and members of the town are starting to feel unsafe and to turn on each other. Casey and Eric now must keep control of the townspeople, as the threat of shutting down Rockton looms. This novel started off as just an alright story; the reader is used to having high expectations in this series so the fact that the novel opened up on such an ordinary story felt lacklustre. Then as the book continued and even as the characters’ hopes began to dwindle, the reader’s did too. It wasn’t until just after the halfway point that plots started to pick up and the reader felt like things were getting serious. As a whole this novel did a great job of keeping the reader on their toes and never knowing just where the story was going to go. The thriller element always gives this series an sense of urgency and quickens the pace. It’s unclear if this is the last book in this series or not. If it is, this had a good send off, the reader would have liked more, since this seemed sort of rushed; but if it’s not, the reader is really curious where the series could possibly go now with how we left the town of Rockton. The characters were good, we didn’t get to see much development this time around. Usually, with each passing novel there is something that happens that really tests our main characters and we didn’t really feel that in this book. There were things that definitely tested them, but we didn’t get the same analyzed responses or how they were going to work through everything in this one. Even the secondary characters weren’t as overly developed as they have been in the past. This was still a good instalment to the series, it just didn’t hold the same weight as previous books. Overall, this was a really enjoyable, fast-paced novel, that the reader hopes to see more from.

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