Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: A Stranger in Town

Hi friends, happy Monday – I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be reviewing the sixth novel in the Rockton series, A Stranger in Town by: Kelley Armstrong.

You can read my review of books one – four: The Rockton Series
You can read my review of book five: Alone in the Wild

A Stranger in Town

A Stranger in Town by: Kelley Armstrong: Just when Casey and Eric are about to enjoy a nice evening together a screaming woman comes out of the woods. Obligated to help her, they don’t know what has caused her injuries, nor do they know where she came from, and to top it off she doesn’t speak English. Things only get stranger as Casey buckles down to solve this case, as things may not seem as they appear. This was another amazing instalment in the Rockton novels. Again, Armstrong knocks it out of the park. Between the great murder mystery, thriller plot to her complex characters who understand their internal feelings, this was a really well written novel. The reader never knows what to expect when it comes to these books and this was no exception. The plot kept the reader on their toes with every chapter. The way every chapter pretty much ended on a cliff hanger was a bit annoying; the reader didn’t need any more incentive to keep reading, this story was already that good on its own. The way plots weaved in and out of each other was really good; the way she brought things from the beginning of the novel full circle with plots from the end was just so well done and super creative. There were a lot of characters to keep track of in this book, and sometimes the reader forgot if we’ve met some of them in a previous instalment so remembering who was who got tricky at times. The characters, it’s said every time, but they are so well flushed out and their flaws are truly what make them personable that the reader finds so enduring. The way the characters, mostly the main character, Casey is really good at dealing with her emotions and her internal feelings is really refreshing to read because you can tell she’s gone through therapy to work out a lot of her childhood traumas and she’s able to recognize them and deal with them in a healthy way. These novels also have a great cast of characters who the reader enjoys reading about in each book that always liven up the story. In the end, this was a great story that pushed the characters in new ways and left the reader ready for more, in whatever new Rockton they find themselves in.