Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #31 šŸ‘

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted byĀ MizBĀ atĀ A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 1001
On page 292
On page 132








The Stand: I’m 86% of the way through; Look at that, I’ve hit the 1,000 page mark, woot woot! Only 153 pages to go. This week the chapters were alright, we learn of one character’s true purpose and I’m worried about Tom Cullen, what is going to happen to him.
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: I’m 82% of the way through; I’m getting closer to the end of this and that makes me sorta sad… but I am loving it! Josh is kinda irritating me, like leave Lara Jean alone… stop telling her Peter doesn’t deserve her, UGH I don’t like when people say this to people they wish they were dating/with… leave them alone!
Lastly I’m readingĀ How to be an AntiracistĀ by: Ibram X. Kendi. This hold came through this past weekend so I’ve been reading this ebook. It’s good; there are a lot of concepts to think about and take in, but I’m finding it a good read, an important read and enlightening to obviously start unlearning racist thoughts and to guide one to becoming antiracist.Ā 


I finished readingĀ A Sorrow Fierce and FallingĀ by: Jessica Cluess, the final novel in the Kingdom on Fire trilogy. I enjoyed this book; it didn’t wow me as much as the second book did, but I liked it, even if I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending… but it did close up all lose ties so there’s that.


Oh boy, where do I start? So last Thursday the last of the books I bought in June came in the mail! Woo! So I haveĀ When You Were EverythingĀ by: Ashley Woodfolk,Ā So You Want to Talk About RaceĀ by: Ijeoma Oluo andĀ A Blade so BlackĀ by: L.L. McKinney. I’m excited to get to all those books.
Then ā€“ but wait there’s more! As I mentioned last week curb side pick up became available at my library (woo!) and 2 out of the 7 books I placed on hold were ready so today I picked up With Fire on HighĀ by: Elizabeth Acevedo andĀ The Girl Who Lived TwiceĀ by: David Lagercrantz.
SO many books, plus I haven’t given up on Get a Life, Chloe BrownĀ by: Talia Hibbert; I will read this, this month!!!







What are you all reading?

10 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #31 šŸ‘

  1. When you were everything is about the breakup of a friendship right? Iā€™m thinking of the correct book I hope! Because I love the sound of that premise

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