
How I Choose My Books – Book Tag

Hello friends and happy Thursday, I hope you’re all keeping well! Today I’m going to be doing a tag, I haven’t done a tag in months so I was delighted when my friend, Karla @Another Bookworm tagged me in the How I Choose My Books tag! Thank you so much! Make sure to give Karla a follow as she’s super sweet and full of bookish content! I’m excited to get started! 😊

Think of a book you didn’t expect to enjoy, but did. Why did you read it in the first place?

I don’t really want to say I didn’t expect to enjoy because I don’t pick up books that I think I’m going to not like; I go into every book thinking I’ll enjoy them, but there are some books I don’t expect to love as much as I do. The last one I can think of is Wendy, Master of Art by: Walter Scott. I was blown away by how much I fell in love with Wendy as a character and her world. I need more from this world! I picked this up because it was on my on the Canada Reads nominated list.

What book did you discover through a film/TV adaptation?

I mean, there are so many, especially with a lot of them being made into Netflix shows/movies, but I have to say the first thing that came to mind was The Notebook by: Nicholas Sparks. I saw the movie before I knew it was a book. I read the book afterwards and I even re-read the book last year, it doesn’t hold up to the movie in my heart (#sorrynotsorry)

Pick a book that you discovered through booktube/bookstagram/book blogs. Did it live up to the hype?

All of them? πŸ˜‚ I just bought a whole bunch of books because of bookstagram, but I haven’t read them yet. But in keeping with the question, here’s a list of books that bookstagram or book blogs made me read that I loved:

Felix Ever After by: Kacen Callender (5 star read)
Cemetery Boys by: Aiden Thomas (5 star read)
A Song of Wraiths and Ruin by: Roseanne A. Brown (4 stars)
Get A Life, Chloe Brown by: Talia Hibbert (4 stars)

Pick a book that someone personally recommended to you. What did you think of it?

Hmm. The only thing that’s coming to me is a book a friend my mine told me to read a few weeks ago… I just haven’t read it yet because the wait is long at the library and that’s The Song of Achilles by: Madeline Miller. I know everyone is loving and going crazy for this book… it’s actually starting to follow me around… so I think I’m going to enjoy it!

Find a book on your bookshelves with a blue cover. What made you want to pick up this book?

The blue cover I see is The Rosie Project by: Graeme Simsion. I think I’d heard good things about this book and it was a boxset so it was this book with The Rosie Effect and it was on sale, so what more could you want? I ended up loving this trilogy.

Stand in front of your bookshelf with your eyes closed and pick a book at random. How did you discover this book?

This was hard because I know where most things are on my shelf but the book I ended up picking was Almost Adults by: Ali Pantany. I ended up buying this book because Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books had recommended it on her blog and I was very intrigued… I ended up loving it too!

Find a book on your shelves with a one-word title. What drew you to this book?

The first that came to mind even before I saw the shelf was Dracula by: Bram Stoker. What drew me in? It’s a classic about vampires, of course I wanted to read it… unfortunately I didn’t care for it, it was such a dry read.

Think of your all-time favourite books. When did you read these, and why did you pick them up in the first place?

Oh boy, I’m going to sound like such a fangirl but here it goes. I think everyone who knows me, knows that my favourite book is The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde but I don’t think I’ve ever told the story on how the book came into my life…
So let’s all flash back to 2009, I’m 15 and it’s the summertime. It must have been Twitter or maybe it was MySpace, just before the end of MySpace anyways (lol) and one of my favourite band’s at the time, Cinema Bizarre, the lead singer had posted about a book he was reading and I knew I had to check it out. As I type this, I can’t believe he’s the reason for my favourite book, but here we are… not to say it’s bad or anything, even though the band no longer are a band he’s the only one I still follow on social media to this day, it just makes me laugh that, that was why I wanted to read it. It surprised me how much I loved the story and now I re-read it every year. Funny how life works that way.

hello 2009!


Since I haven’t done a tag for a long time I don’t know who to tag!
I’m just going to tag a few people, no pressure to do the tag!


And YOU! If you see this tag and want to join in, consider yourself tagged! 😊

17 thoughts on “How I Choose My Books – Book Tag

    1. Thank you, Sofii! πŸ’ž
      You’re welcome! I can’t wait to read your answers! The Notebook is the best!
      Oh boy, I’m preparing myself for A Song of Achilles! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What a fun post! And I enjoyed your answers – I also feel like Song of Achilles is dogging my steps sometimes. It’s everywhere! I’ll get to it eventually! And I totally relate to picking up a book because a favorite read it – although for me, it wasn’t a celebrity but the fictional Anne Shirley. Her adventure as the lily maid lead to a minor obsession with Tennyson’s poem “The Lady of Shalott.” πŸ˜‚ I have not regrets!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      Oh! I’m glad I’m not the only one A Song of Achilles is following! πŸ˜‚
      I’ve never heard of that book, but that’s awesome! I love hearing how people come across their favourite books. I’m glad you found yours! πŸ˜„

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Meghan!! I LOVE your answers for this!! πŸ’• Haha I can relate to “every” book being recommended by bookstagram πŸ˜‚ I have never seen nor read The Notebook and I’m so curious to see why you like the movie more πŸ₯° I also still haven’t read The Song of Achilles and I’m very curious to see what the hype is about!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you, Karla! Thank you again for tagging me! 😊
      Oh my! You should watch (or read, whichever you prefer) The Notebook! It’s really cute!
      Same! I can’t wait either… my hold is at 60 I think at the library!


  3. AHH this is such a fun post and thank you for the mention! I’m so, so happy I could make you read this book and that you enjoyed it, it certainly deserves a bit more hype. I found it so fun and relatable! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! πŸ˜„πŸ’ž
      It does! I honestly haven’t heard anyone else talk about the book and it totally deserves more hype! I agree with you, it was fun and very relatable!


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