Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Get a Life, Chloe Brown

Hi friends, happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Talia Hibbert’s novel Get a Life, Chloe Brown the first novel in her Brown Sisters trilogy.

My good friend, Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts posted her review of this book, too, this week and in the spirit of giving and sharing on today’s American Thanksgiving (even though we’re both Canadian 😂) I wanted to share her review too because I loved reading it, so please check it out here!

Get a Life, Chloe Brown

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by: Talia Hibbert: When her life flashes before her eyes, Chloe decides she needs to make a list for herself, a list on getting a life. Living life by the book, or her lists, Chloe moves out and begins to tick off things on her list. What she didn’t foresee was falling for her superintend Red on her get a life list. This was such a well written, funny and heartwarming read. This story was mega cute; it was a wonderful enemies-to-lovers story that just shined. The emotional rollercoaster the reader goes through was so worth it because this novel really showed what a healthy relationship looks like and it was delightful to read. It also showed an open door to chronic illness that was eye opening to read. The plot was so well created, not only did it make the reader feel warm and fuzzy inside, but it also tackled real issues and made the relationship between the two characters so real and raw. Hibbert was so good at creating characters who hated each other in the beginning yet who loved each other so openly in the end. Her characters were just so well written and created that the reader could feel these characters as if they were real. They were so developed and left a positive impression on the reader. Even the side characters were a great addition to the story and the reader loved them too. Knowing that there is going to be a novel on each of the three Brown sisters, the reader can’t wait to dive back into this world and to follow each of these bold, strong women.

10 thoughts on “Review: Get a Life, Chloe Brown

    1. You’re welcome! 😊💞
      I’m glad to see you agreed with my points – I need to get crackin’ on the second book!
      Haha, hey, March will be here sooner than you think! The concept of time is an illusion these days 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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