Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: A Complicated Kindness

Hi guys and welcome back to Throwback Thursday! Today I’m going to be looking at Miriam Toews’ novel A Complicated Kindness.

This is another novel I had to read for school. But I liked it so much that I read it twice.

Read: October 2012
Rating: 4 Stars

A Complicated Kindness

A Complicated Kindness by: Miriam Toews: The novel is about a girl named Nomi who tries to figure out why her sister and her mother both left. The book is a lot of flashbacks to her life from moments when she’s back with her whole family; to the teenage life she currently lives. It is also a coming of age book in the sense that she is trying to figure herself out in the little town that they live in, growing up in the 1960s-1970s. They are very religious, and she tries to see if she fits in. The novel was written well; it was easy to follow along, and it was actually quite funny as well. The plot and characters were created in a way so that the reader could relate to the main character, and that is what made this novel an easy read. The growing pains that the characters feel are things we all feel. This novel also dives into a lot of topics such as religion and politics through a teenagers perspective, which Toews does a wonderful job of creating. Everything about this novel was just done so right.

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