Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: The Hobbit (Trilogy)

Hi guys, happy Friday! I hope your Friday is as good as mine!

[Sidebar: I bought tickets to see Pierce The Veil (technically yesterday) but it has finally sunk in and I’m super exited! I can’t wait until March! :D]
I’m here at it again with another movie review, this time I’m going to be talking about all three Hobbit films.

I finally watched the final movie in this trilogy (it only took a year). Now I can finally post my reviews of all three movies, enjoy! 🙂

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: Based on the novel, The Hobbit, is a story of a young Bilbo Bagins and his adventures with dwarves and elves and goblins. The movie begins how the first Lord of The Rings book started, and jumps right into the adventure. In search of a lost dwarf kingdom, Bilbo takes on going on this expedition and along the way discovers new things about himself, but also comes into possession with a ring that has some pretty powerful capabilities. The movie took the viewer on some wild adventures that not only left the viewer wanting more, but kept them quite entertained. Coming in as three hours long, the movie did a good job of representing the first quarter of the book, although along the way fell into some dry spots. It really took the book and showed every detail they possibly could, which makes for an amazing adaptation, but for viewing sometimes it wasn’t always the best. Where the book was dry, they tried to spice it up in the movie. It was definitely a good movie full of action and was pretty comic, which wasn’t expected, but was added in very well.


The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug: The second part to the hobbits adventure. This time, Bilbo Baggins is in the company of dwarves and they are heading for the mountains to continue their search of a lost dwarf kingdom. On this journey they encounter a dragon which changes things, and of course changes the course of their journey. The movie is filled with non-stop action which makes it bearable, as the movie can get a little dry at times. They’ve added in some sort of romance to the film to keep audiences intrigued because it’s quite different. This film didn’t have many dry spots, which made the film move faster. Viewing the movie in 3D gives the picture more quality. Overall, if you can stand to watch really long adventure movies, this is no exception and will keep you guessing and wanting more.


The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies: The last instalment in the Hobbit movie trilogy, and we are right back in on the action. As the title suggests armies from all over the lands are coming together to fight one another. The dwarves have just regained their land from the dragon when a deadly force is brought upon the world. This leaves everyone scrambling, but the leader of the dwarves becomes obsessed with treasures, and this causes some problems. Bilbo tries to make him see reason, but this does is lead the Hobbits into the fight. It all comes down to the dwarves, elves, and men in a battle to either come together or be destroyed. The film was cinematically done very well. The movie was filled with a lot of action sequences that really moved the plot. The character development throughout was also a driving factor in the plot; to see characters go from one point to another was really something to watch. On top of that comic relief and funny dialogue was provided to just to keep things interesting. It was a hell of an ending to an epic journey.


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