Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Star-Touched Queen & A Crown of Wishes

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of The Star-Touched Queen and A Crown of Wishes by Roshani Chokshi.

The Star-Touched Queen

The Star-Touched Queen by: Roshani Chokshi: Maya is cursed by a horoscope, a horoscope that ensures a marriage full of death and destruction. She’s made peace with never being married, that is until her father arranges a wedding for her for political gain. Now as Amar’s wife, she feels her life is in danger as Amar has many secrets so it’s up to her to uncover the mysteries to save not only herself, but the ones she truly loves. This was a beautiful novel, just all around beautiful; the visual representation was so good, the plot was intriguing and the characters were so well created and flushed out. The writing in this novel is what really separates this from other fantasy novels. The writing is so imaginative; it’s so full of colour and description. It was definitely worth the read just for the words. The plot was good; the stories that these characters go on keep the reader on their toes and keep them guessing and wondering what’s going to happen next. This was action-packed and full of a lot of emotions. The plot was engaging as it got the reader thinking about the characters and where they find themselves. The characters were well developed and they were dynamic to fit the intricate plots that they weaved through. This novel was well crafted and well executed; it was something different and for all the good reasons.

A Crown of Wishes

A Crown of Wishes by: Roshani Chokshi: Gauri is the princess of Bharata, but when she’s captured by her kingdom’s enemies she has nothing left to lose. In swoops Vikram, a prince in the Ujijain town, who tells her he can promise her freedom, which obviously comes with a price. The two ultimately travel together to team up to try and win the Tournament of Wishes competition that ends up being nothing like they thought and testing them in ways they didn’t think possible. This novel was filled with so many ups and downs, but through it all this was a gorgeous novel. Chokshi really paints a picture with her words and brings her stories to life with her imagery. The plots are so well told that the reader loses themselves in this world. Not only did she create this world that is beautiful, but she created characters that really stood out and left the reader feeling and rooting for them. Her character dynamic was so well written too. Reading the dialogue that the two main characters had with one another was hilarious and downright fun to read. The way this ended was also done well; Chokshi left the reader feeling satisfied, even though she teased her readers right before the final chapters. All in all, this was a well put together novel that was imaginative and took the reader to new worlds.

9 thoughts on “Review: The Star-Touched Queen & A Crown of Wishes

  1. The Star-Touched Queen was my team’s
    Book for a readathon this month but I never got around to it 😅 I’m really regretting it after your review though lol! It sounds really unique and magical. Hopefully I can get to it at some point (: Great review Meghan!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Okay, don’t judge! I bought THIRTEEN books… In my defense, I had a cupon on 60 euros AND they were having 20 to 50% off some books. Lol

        I got N.K. Jemisin last series and the 2 and 3 books of Monsters of the Men series (I think that’s what its called), also Red Sister and some others, ahaha
        This all happened at 7 am before work, and then I called my bf saying: “Are you awake yet?? I already bought 13 books!” He thought I was joking… Only I wasn’t. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. This is a no judgement zone! Yay books! 😀
        I love how you bought them all before 7am, true bookaholic! I haven’t read any of those, but I hope you enjoy every one of them! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m very happy to see that you enjoyed both of these books! 😀 I completely adored both, though I must say that I slightly prefer The Star-Touched Queen (though that’s because I love Hades and Persephone retellings). I adore the way Roshani Chokshi writes and I can’t wait to pick up more of her books in the future. Great review! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, that’s a very valid and fair point! I’m glad you enjoyed both too! 😁
      I agree, she has an amazing way of writing! Me as well!
      Thank you! ☺️

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