
Sims-A-Thon Readathon Announcement

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! I hope you’re all having a great week. Today I’m about to embark on a grand new adventure. Yes you read the title right, I will be participating in my very first readathon… at the same time that I’ll be traveling… yes I know I’m crazy! πŸ˜‚

I saw this on Lauren‘s blog and I just had to jump at the opportunity… okay well I actually thought I was going to sit this out… traveling throughout June and all, buuuut it was actually Lauren who persuaded me (although I think I was halfway there) to do it even if it’s just two books… and I thought, yeah! you know what, I will! Alas, this blog post came into existence!

The Sims-A-Thon readathon is being hosted byΒ Kara @ biancareads. It’s running from theΒ 1st-30thΒ June. This readathon will be based onΒ The Sims 4. You can watch Kara’s video below where she goes into all the details about the challenges:

Lauren also created a spread sheet to keep track of things:

Sims-A-Thon Spreadsheet:Β Google SheetsΒ //Β Download

And a cute card if you want to use on social media and whatnot:

All these resources can be found in a Google Drive here.

I think it’s super cute! I would use it, but as this is my very first readathon… in the four years I’ve had a blog 😞 I’m just going to keep things very simple and let you all know what I plan to read.

Β Create-a-Sim 5 pts.
Read a book that is first in a series

I will be reading The Red Scrolls of Magic by: Cassandra Clare.

Buy a House 3 pts.
Read a contemporary or a book set in our world

I want to read Emergency Contact by: Mary H.K. Choi.

Career: Secret Agent 5 pts.
Read a mystery book

I plan to read The Killer in Me by: Margot Harrison… but I may change the mystery I read… we shall see. My other runner up is The Chalk Man by: C. J. Tudor

Fall in Love 3 pts.
Read a book with a romance element

I would like to read P.S. I Like You by: Kasie West. Her books are always so light and fluffy and it’s perfect for vacation, so I plan to take this with me.

Eat a Cooke 1 pt.
Read a book under 200 pages

I just finished reading the Kane Chronicles so before I go away in a week I want to read the Survival Guide, which according to Goodreads is 144 pages… I tried to take it out at the library and it kept telling me it was ‘temporarily unavailable’ so I will try again this weekend.

I’m looking at trying to gain 17 points! This may be lofty of me to set such high expectations for myself, but I believe in myself. I wanted to do a half month check in… but seeing as I won’t be around much to check in, I will only be doing a wrap up at the end of June. Wish me luck!

If you’re a fan of the Sims, I highly encourage you to join in! πŸ™‚

15 thoughts on “Sims-A-Thon Readathon Announcement

  1. THIS IS SO COOL! I was OBSESSED with The Sims 3. I had a family for three or four generations when I finally sold my gaming computer. Is it sad that I actually miss them a lot? I plan to play it all again (and Guild Wars 2) once I have a gaming laptop, but I don’t think that’s happening this year lol. Good luck with the challenge! I’m going to take a peak at it and see if it’s doable for me πŸ˜›

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You should partake!! I’m doing this and I won’t even be home for most of June! πŸ˜›
      You sound like me when I played the Sims 2!! I had a 3 generation family, and it is not sad because I FEEL THE SAME!!! Every once in a while I’ll think about them, as if they were real people because I went through so much with that family… I even based stories I had to write in school on this family… and they had the worst name because I was like 12 when I created them… I named them the Smilies πŸ˜› Okay now I sound like a nutcase! πŸ˜…
      Oohh my brother has a gaming computer and the Sims 2 works on it… it’s just finding time to use his computer when he’s not you know? πŸ˜›
      I hope you do get a gaming laptop and get to play again!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh my gosh … me too!!! I actually had a Tumblr account and wrote a story about them to help if I ever wanted to write a novel … I’m telling you, it was a scary time … it’s all I ever did, which is why I’m hesitant to download it again lol! I do have a lot more hobbies now though.

        One day!! They’re just so darn expensive!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha! The Sims really takes over people’s lives! πŸ˜›
        Ha! I believe you, I have other hobbies too, but every once in a while I really want to play again!
        Oh, I know, but I’m sure you’ll get there! πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, I’m going to try and see what happens!
      I hope so too! I’ve heard nothing but good things of The Chalk Man! πŸ™‚


  2. This seems like such a fun readathon! Especially since I love The Sims. πŸ˜› Sadly, I don’t really have the time to participate in any readathons at the moment.
    Good luck! I hope you manage to read everything that you planned. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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