Monthly Wrap-Ups

May 2019 Wrap-Up

Hi guys! I can’t believe that MAY is over! Where is this year going?! Now that I got that out of the way ๐Ÿ˜… it’s that time of the month to recap what went down, let’s get into it!

If you missed April’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Shining
The Serpent’s Shadow
Dark Matter









GUYS! I finishedย ‘Salem’s Lot! I did it! I’m hoping to have a recap and complete post for my project up in the next few weeks. Now that I’ve finished my second Stephen King novel, I’m onto the third,ย The Shining. I haven’t technically started (will be on Sunday), but I’m really excited to re-read this!

I’m slowly on my way to finishingย The Kane Chronicles. I’m all set to finish it tomorrow actually. I love anything Rick Riordan writes so I’ve definitely been enjoying this!

I’m also currently readingย Dark Matterย by Blake Crouch. I’m just hitting the halfway point and I’m very invested and intrigued by this novel. This was a last minute decision to read.

What I read this month:

I was able to read 9ย books this month! Yay me!

The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen #1) by: Roshani Chokshi
Ash and Quill (The Great Library #3) by: Rachel Caine
The Throne of Fire (The Kane Chronicles #2) by: Rick Riordan
Before the Fall by: Noah Hawley
Island of Fire (The Unwanteds #3) by: Lisa McMann
The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde (this was a re-read 11th time!)
Finale (Caraval #3) by: Stephanie Garber
‘Salem’s Lot by: Stephen King
A Crown of Wishes (The Star-Touched Queen #2) by: Roshani Chokshi

Book Reviews this month:

Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War by: Mary Roach
Watcher in the Woods (Rockton #4) by: Kelley Armstrong
Lily and the Octopus by: Steven Rowley
How to Disappear by: Ann Redisch Stampler
Before the Fall by: Noah Hawley
Finale (Caraval #3) by: Stephanie Garber
The Star-Touched Queen & A Crown of Wishes by: Roshani Chokshi


Currently Watching:
Season 6
Season 35
Season 7









Season 6
Season 3









I’m still watchingย The Officeย and continuing to fall in love; I’m sad that I only have 4 seasons left though!

Jeopardyย is still going strong. The teachers tournament was enjoyable, the teacher I wanted to win, didn’t win, but that’s life. What’s been really exciting is James Holzhauer who keeps winning and wagering large amounts… oh I get such a kick watching him play and bet the way that he does! And in good news, Alex Trebek’s cancer has been reduced by 50% and he’s near remission, which is really good.

The new (and final) season ofย Elementaryย started up at the end of the month. It’s supposed to be set in the UK but I have a feeling they’ll be back in New York. The show started off really well so I’m excited for the rest of the season. I’m sad that it will be the final since it’s been so good.

And, of course I can’t forget my good ol’ pals inย ER. It seems that there have been a lot of fresh faces in season 6.

I almost forgot that me and my brother started season 3 ofย Nailed It!ย but we haven’t continued… it’s only 6 episodes long so I don’t know what’s wrong with us.

What I Watched this month:
Seasons 3-5
Sorry to Bother You
Season 1









Get Out
Season 1
A Quiet Place









Season 9
Season 15
Season 2









Season 6
The Secret Life of Pets
Avengers: Endgame









Season 3
Bohemian Rhapsody
‘Salem’s Lot (1979)









I’m continuing my journey withย The Office. I have no idea how I just managed to breeze through so many seasons this month… especially since season 5 is 28 episodes long!

I’ve heard so many great things aboutย Sorry to Bother You, but I was disappointed. The plot was so strange, and at times it was really good, but at others I’m like what is even happening. I don’t know how to describe it because it’s just SO weird. If you’ve seen it, I’d love to hear you thoughts!

I finished the first season ofย YOU. My god. I can’t wait to see where the second season will take the show!

I finally, finally, watchedย Get Out! I’m so excited it came back to Netflix… what a film… I’m trying to articulate words for a review, but damn, I loved this movie! More of my thoughts.

My brother and I decided to watchย Nailed It! Mexicoย to get ready for the third season of the American version. We’ve actually been watching it since February, on and off, even though it’s only 6 epiosdes. Every time we’d go to watch it, we’d completely forget that the show was dubbed and not sub-titled. Still it was fun to watch.

I watchedย A Quiet Placeย finally! Ok, so I’m late to the party and I had no idea John Krasinski was in this because I didn’t even recognize him… then I had NO idea he was married to Emily Blunt! Dear, I’m behind on the times! All that aside it was a great movie and such a great use of the absent of sound!

Season 9 ofย Bob’s Burgersย is over and I finally binged the rest of the season. I’m happy that they’re coming back for season 10.

Grey’s Anatomyย ended it’s 15th season… and they were renewed for another 2, yesย 2 seasons! I have a feeling the way this season ended that characters won’t be coming back, or they’ll be back part-time until they are completely out of the show. These characters have been around since day one so I don’t blame them at all for wanting to leave! As for me, I’ll most likely stick around.

Station 19ย also aired it’s season finale, and it will also be coming back for season 3… although I have no idea where the show is going, but I’ll watch.

Brooklyn Nine-Nineย is over for another season, my recap of season 6 will be up next week, and I gotta say as much as I love this show, I didn’t feel this season as much as I did past seasons. I’ll still be sticking around for season 7.

You know, kid movies are just great.ย The Secret Life of Petsย had me laughing because it’s just amazing the stuff these writers think up that kids wouldn’t get.

GUYS! I finally sawย Avengers: Endgame… man, my brain… I’m trying to write my review for it but I’ve been stalling. If I would stop procrastinating, it should be up next Friday!

I finally watched the last half the season 3 ofย Riverdale. Some plots really pissed me off, but then that damn final episode. So now I’m like I gotta come back for season 4. There’s going to be a million seasons of this show.

I got tricked into watchย Bohemianย Rhapsody. My mum put a movie on and I was just going to read… and then I was watching the movie. It was good, not my favourite thing, but it was good. I told my mum I was glad I didn’t see it in theatres because I can bet you someone started singing, and can we not.

To close out the month I started watching the film adapations toย ‘Salem’s Lot. I obviously started with the oldest in 1979 and I have to say even though it was 3 hours long, I really enjoyed it! More of thoughts will be in my big wrap up of the book and movies post coming in the next few weeks.

TV Tuesday Posts:

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season One
You Season One

Posts from the Month

Music Monday: Alive by: Melissa O’Neil
Music Monday: Professional Griefers by: Deadmau5 ft. Gerard Way

The Liebster Award III
My Good Reading Habits Tag
The Ultimate Game of Thrones Book Tag

Movie Review: Pet Sematary
Sims Read-a-thon Announcement

I can’t believe five months are done from this year already! They say that the older you get the faster time goes, my gosh is that ever true!

As for May, it started off on the right foot. The first weekend we celebrated my mum’s birthday… again ๐Ÿ˜‚ย My aunt and uncle came to visit and we went out to dinner at a place called Milestones. I was there back in March… and I got the same thing I had back then too, the Sweet Chilli Chicken Bowl, so freakin’ good! ๐Ÿ˜‹

The following day, the Sunday I got up early to head to Toronto where me and a friend went to the Museum of Illusions. For 30 bucks you walk around and take photos, it’s all very Instagram-worthy, do it for the gram, kinda deal. It was still fun to look and try all they had to offer.

After we hit up a restaurant for brunch, Insomnia, but we had a 45-60 minute wait so we walked up Bloor St. and we found one bookstore, Seekers Books where I got lost in the Stephen King books… obviously ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚ย I did buy The Dead Zone. I’m trying to buy books in order, so far I’m doing well. We still had time so there was another bookstore, BMV Books that was just 3 floors of books… I would have bought another King book but we didn’t have time as our table was ready.

They had a great special on mimosas, 6$ so I had that with my PB&J pancakes… so delish! I have a photo of the mimosa… not the pancakes… #sorrynotsorry!

My friend who lives in New York came home and we were able to catch up and grab dinner, I’m always happy when we can get together! โ˜บ๏ธ

Speaking of food… hehe… my team at work decided to go out for sushi ๐Ÿฃย since one of the girls’ was leaving. I love sushi! ๐Ÿ’œย I learned that I actually like crispy salmon rolls… and I don’t even like salmon on its own, who would have thought?

My brother has decided he’s going to take up making French toast, so I was treated to breakfast… twice… very yummy ๐Ÿ™‚


The long weekend came and went super quickly, I took full advantage of it. Usually my mum and I go away this weekend to the States for a quick getaway, seeing as I’m going on a larger trip this year that wasn’t in the cards so instead I treated us to the spa! *Sorry no photos* but it was gorgeous… if only the weather was better (it was only 10 degrees Celsius) but the two massages and the body scrub was define. We also got a scalp massage… I now know what it feels like to be a pet ๐Ÿ˜

But all those relaxing muscle relaxing treatments kinda went out the window as I went impromptu bowling the following weekend. Friday night I get a message from my friend asking if I wanted to go bowling… like now. Well, I really didn’t have any other plans ad I’m so glad I said yes because I’ve never had so much fun bowling, because I suck at it big time… but I managed to prefect the granny roll and I won and tied a game, so yay me! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

After we hit Denny’s for food, I got chocolate chip pancakes ๐Ÿ˜‹. I ended up staying up until 2 am (because I had to finish Finale by Stephanie Garber) and I was up early the next day because I desperately wanted to see Avengers Endgame… which I totally did at 11am (the earliest I’ve ever been to the theatre) and I’m glad because there was already a line for the next showing. It was SO GOOD, yet so sad!

I finally was able to take the bike out! ๐Ÿšด You have no idea how happy this made me! I thought I’d be way more out of shape than I was, my days of riding to library are getting closer! And speaking of days getting closer… my trip to the UK is in 6 days! How did that happen? My friend and I booked some hop on/hop off tours, the rest we’ll figure out when we’re there. So exciting! ๐Ÿ˜€

And that’s a wrap. This month has been full. Now I’ll leave you with the Mother’s Day cake I bought my mum… look at that thing!


14 thoughts on “May 2019 Wrap-Up

  1. Awesome month! I got the Rick Riordan “Percy Jackson” books (except for the 5th) at a garage sale this past weekend for only $8.00! I never read them when I was younger so I’m really excited!

    I loved both Avengers and Bohemian Rhapsody! They’re both such well done films!

    And that cake … now I’m hungry lol!! Great month, love!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€ Damn! That’s amazing! I never read them when I was younger either, but I’ve been reading all of his books now and I’m loving them!

      Haha! I seem to be making a lot of people hungry with that photo of the cake! ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Just read chapter 1. The writing sounds really sophisticated. Itโ€™s funny how the men, the artist and Lord Henry are blown away with how handsome Dorian Gray is ๐Ÿ˜Š

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It is very sophisticated and I think that’s why I liked it, even when I first picked it up when I was 16. Oh everyone loves Dorian it’s funny! I hope you continue to read and enjoy it!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. 9 books AND so many shows and films??? What??? How did you do it? Tell me your secret! ๐Ÿ˜€
    And that cake… I’m hungry now, gonna go find a cookie. (note to myself: Read Bony’s posts before 6 pm, to avoid eating cookies at night) ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! I have NO idea! It’s funny when I was putting the final touches on this blog last week I was like damn I did a lot this month… I can’t even tell you how I did it because I’d love to do it again!
      It was a really good cake! HAHA! I’m sorry I made you go on a cookie hunt, but I hope the cookies you ate were delish! ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

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