Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #35 🌆

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 419
On page 85

The Bachman Books; 45% of the way; I’m continuing with The Long Walk I have two more chapters left and the last half of this book has been fast paced. Characters are losing their minds and we don’t know if anyone is going to win this bizarro walk.

In The Hand of the Goddess by: Tamora Pierce. I’ve made very little progress in this the past week… or so I thought until I actually looked and I have 30 minutes and 2 chapters left. I’m curious to see how this one will end.

Lastly, I’m reading Thunder Through My Veins by: Gregory Scofield. This is my next Canada Reads book. I’m actually further in this than I thought I’d be. This is a biography of an Indigenous man and his story. So far, it’s been heartbreaking and I expect it to continue on that way. It’s good to know and listen to these stories so that the healing and reconciliation can happen.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished A Stranger in Town by: Kelley Armstrong. This was such a great addition to the series, as I feel like I say for every book she writes but I truly love her characters and their minds! They are so smart and witty and personable. I can’t wait to read what is going to happen next.

I also finished I’m Judging You by: Luvvie Ajayi Jones. THIS BOOK! I feel like everyone should read this book it was so good. It was funny as hell, and just spoke to me on all sorts of topics. There were moments when I was reading where I just wanted to post photos of long passages because I’m like “YES, THIS!” We could all use a little help being better human beings.

GUYS! I finally finished reading The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. The relief I feel (which sounds bad, but I swear it’s good) I don’t have to hold this giant book anymore. This was a wild(e) ride and there were good stories and not the greatest stories, but overall I’m really glad that I’ve read something more than just The Picture of Dorian Gray by him. He’s a great writer who died too young.

And lastly this week (I read a lot!) I finished The Mask Falling by: Samantha Shannon. Oh man, when they said there would be pain in this book, wow, I didn’t see that one coming. I honestly thought something else and Shannon was like NOPE this is going to happen instead. Welp. Now I can’t wait for the next book!

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #34 🏝

Review: Concrete Rose

Review: Swimming Lessons

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

I will pick this up next week, so very sorry!

This is going up early today because I’m off to one of my best friend’s bachelorette party! This is the long weekend I’m looking forward to a good time.

As for the rest of this week, it’s been pretty quiet nothing exciting. I did go to the library and found out that next week they will be fully re-opening and I’m very excited about that… okay I guess I had some exciting news. 😅

What I’m watching:

Chapelwaite; season 1. The second episode aired this past weekend and again I thought it was good, but the set up is super slow. I’m excited to see where this is going to go because I’m liking the creepy vibe.

Twelve Forever; season 1. Don’t laugh, but I found this on Netflix. It’s a kid show about a girl who doesn’t want to grow up but her mother keeps pushing these puberty books at her so she escapes to her own world with her friends. I was looking for a kid cartoon to watch and this makes me laugh, plus the epiosdes are only 13 minutes.

What I’ve watched:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. I did it, I finally finished my re-watch! … only over a year later 😅. I forgot that Rory said no to Logan’s proposal, and that she got a job really quickly following Obama’s campaign. I love that Luke went so out of way for Rory, but also for Lorelei too… and they finally get together!!! It felt very final, and if I’m being honest this season wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. It definitely had its weird moments, but I enjoyed this. I’ll be re-watching A Year in the Life in the coming weeks.

Once Upon a Time in… Hollywood; this was such a strange movie. Netflix recommended this to me and like it wasn’t boring per say, but it was really slow paced, then BAM the last half hour of the movie was like boom, bam, blam all this stuff happens. This wasn’t the movie for me, but I also don’t totally feel like I wasted my time watching it.

Weird Science; that’s exactly what this movie was… weird. This was also very of its time (the 80s). I wanted to watch something that Anthony Michael Hall was in besides The Dead Zone… and well. This wasn’t for me; this was all of in the mind of a teenage boy and it was very cringy.

Modern Love; season 2. This was another great season of short stories of love. Obviously and like the last time, some stories resonated with me more than others but I liked all of them and thought they were all well told, especially in the short half hour they’re told in. I will have more of thoughts in my wrap up in a few weeks.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #35 🌆

  1. I LOVE your weekly updates! 💕 First, CONGRATULATIONS on finishing The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde!! Wow what an achievement! 🥳 And the last season of Gilmore Girls were disappointing but I really liked the final episode, it closes the series nicely! However A Year In The Life was just terrible and it was nice seeing them again but it felt forced.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Karla! ❤️😊
      It was definitely a huge accomplishment and I felt so happy when I finished it! Now I have to compile all my thoughts!
      I agree with you, the last season of GG was not the greatest, but then again the show creators left so that’s why it wasn’t the same.
      Oh, I actually really liked A Year in the Life… although I haven’t watched it since it came out in 2016 so I’m really excited to re-watch it. I hated the way it ended but the rest of it I liked.


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