Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Replica

Hi friends, happy Thursday – I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Lauren Oliver’s novel Replica.


Replica by: Lauren Oliver: This novel is spilt in two to tell the story of two girls, one who lives as a Replica, Lyra, and the other who lives as a normal high school girl, Gemma ­– or so they think. When the Haven facilities burns to the ground, Lyra manages to escape; Gemma on the flip side wants to know more about the company her father works for. Both girls end up finding out a lot more than they ever wanted to. This novel was highly intriguing; from start to finish the reader was left wanting to know more about this world. The world building was fascinating and the way that the author chose to tell the story was also really interesting, but so well done. Told using two very different points of view the reader was able to learn about the world in two different ways and it really let them get a grasp of it and gave them a fully rounded picture. Not only was the plot really thought out and creatively put together, but the characters were also really well written too. The reader got to know two characters who could not be more different from one another, yet more alike than they realize and it’s this balance that makes them so riveting to read and makes them so dimensional. The way that Oliver runs all these parallels feels so effortless and it runs so smoothly that the reader can’t help but fly through this novel. The way this ends leaves so many questions unanswered that the reader can’t wait to pick up the sequel to see where this story is going to go.

3 thoughts on “Review: Replica

    1. I’m glad to hear you loved them! 😄 I’ve read both books and I enjoyed them too, I wish I had loved the second as much as this one, but I still thought this was such a good duology!

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