Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Kopp Sisters on the March

Hello friends, I hope you are all having a good Monday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Amy Stewart’s novel Kopp Sisters on the March.

I’ve reviewed the first four novels in this series and you can read those here: Kopp Sisters series

Since I know there is another book after this one (which I’ll read at some point 😅) I’m going to do separate blog posts for the rest of the series 😊

Kopp Sisters on the March

Kopp Sisters on the March by: Amy Stewart: World War I is just breaking out and Constance, Norma and Fleurette find themselves at a National Service School, a military school for woman who wish to go to war. There they plan to utilize and learn new skills to be of use in war. When Beulah Binford becomes their tent-mate things get shaken up as Beulah has a past she wants no one to know about, but the past can’t hide forever. This was another entertaining and captivating instalment in the Kopp Sisters novels. This novel took a bit of a detour in the lives of the sisters to explore Beulah Binford’s life. Again, this story was based on real people, but the events that happened are loosely based on the truth. The plots were engaging and full of life. There was a lot more drama this time around, but it was still very exciting to read. The twists and turns were fun to read along with. The way that Stewart was able to captivate an audience with her words and by taking historical facts, playing with them and creating a fictional story was well done. It was exciting for the reader to be back in this world and to meet with these characters once again. There’s definitely a sense of maturity with all three of them in this novel that the reader is fond of reading. These women all know what they want and they are going to try their best to get it. The addition of Binford really spiced up the novel and really let the reader sink their teeth into the story. Between the storylines, the characters and the writing, this was such pleasurable and also somewhat comforting read.

8 thoughts on “Review: Kopp Sisters on the March

    1. Thanks! And same… I just looked up the next book because I thought it had been released already 😅 but I’m seeing it comes out January!! Can’t wait to see where the sisters go next! 😄


      1. Ohh, I see that makes sense – oh well, something to look forward to!
        I’ve never tried an audiobook, but thanks for the tip! 😄


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