TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Heroes Reborn

Hi friends, welcome back to TV Tuesday. Today I’m going to be talking all about the Heroes reboot, Heroes Reborn.

This sequel, spin off, reboot – whatever you want to call it starts off in true Heroes form, confusing the absolute crap out of the viewer.

This takes place a good seven years after Claire jumps off the Ferris Wheel and creates a whole new world. So now people with abilities are called “Evos” and we are introduced to a whole new cast of people with abilities, or Evos… I don’t really like that term.

So I think we’re as confused as Noah Bennet is at this point. We slowly learn that he has purposefully had his memory erased… but obviously he can’t remember why, but a year later he REALLY wants to know why and when Noah wants to know something, he goes to every length to find out.

We learn that everything that this season is focused around June 13 and what happened that day. Apparently there was a bomb explosion, but was it really a bomb?

Basically this season is about the good vs. the bad of Evos. You have the company Noah used to work for, formerly Primatech now Rimada, under the power of this woman, Erica who, just wow. She wants to rebuild the world, create a Big Bang and save only a select few. She claims in all her campaigns that she’s for the Evos, but really she’s using them against the world to show that they are evil and need to be stopped.

She has one, Phoebe, locked in a basement trying to manifest dark powers… powers that we learn later create that bomb-like explosion at the June 13th convention… which was an Evo convention. Her plan was to bring them together to kill, or try to kill them… woah.

All this time Noah with no memory, has thought that Claire died at that convention… the entire time I’m like, but she can’t die.

Noah was determined to put that life behind him, until he met Quentin, or well Quentin finds him; he knows that Noah can help him find his sister, Phoebe, he knows she’s not dead, and that’s when their quest begins.

They try to find everything they can about June 13… when he finds security footage of himself at a hospital and it is jump-cutting time, he knows Hiro is involved, so they must now find Hiro.

Well, guess where Hiro is? Inside a freakin’ video game. In order to harvest his powers Erica has locked him away. We meet a new character, Miko, who can go into video games. Her friend Ren helps her discover Hiro’s sword and the two of them fight… what Miko thinks she’s fighting for is to set her father free.

We later learn that she was created from a dead girl and her only purpose is to be the one to let Hiro out of the game… once she realizes she must sacrifice herself, Hiro is released from the game. I love when Hiro sees Noah and says “Hello old friend” it’s so comforting.

Poor Quentin though, he gets knocked out and I’m pretty sure he’s dead, by his sister’s powers.

Noah begs Hiro to take him back to a year ago, and you can see the concern on Hiro’s face. He doesn’t really want to do it, but he feels he must. He just warns “not too many butterflies”.

Once we go back we get so much context to a lot of the new characters we’ve met.

The new main characters that we meet are Tommy, a 16-year-old boy who can go anywhere he sets his mind to… it’s not time travel, he can just jump to places in a flash.

There’s another girl Malina who can use her hands to manifest strong winds. She lives in the Arctic, but as the climate temperatures change and things with Evos change, she’s forced on the run, but she’s been given a photo of Tommy, told she needs to find him because she’s going to help her save the world.

There’s Luke, who if he goes into the sun he turns golden. He and his wife had a son who if he went in the sun he burned. His wife didn’t believe him to be an Evo, in fact she can’t stand them. They go to the Evo convention on June 13 anyways to get info… and that’s when we learn their son died and turned his wife against him.

He’s ready to kill himself when Malina finds him and uses her powers to save him. She thinks he needs to be on this journey too because she knows he’s special like her.

We also meet Jose who is just a kid, but he can stick his hands into things… like Micah’s father way back in season 1 and 2. I believe his father also had a power, but that got him killed. Now his uncle Carlos wants to help, but the man has no powers and this doesn’t help him at all; in fact, he gets the crap beat out of him instead.

I’m still not sure how Jose and Carlos play into the grand scheme of things.

There’s also Harris who works for Erica; he can cut off a part of his body and create more of himself… which is hella creepy, but perfect for Erica’s gain.

So back to June 13, the day Hiro takes Noah back in time to. He wants to try and stop the bomb from going off and to save Claire. Well, it’s Angela who gets a call from a hospital about Claire and she runs to tell Noah… not realizing he’s future Noah.

They find out that not only is Claire dead, but the babies are okay… I was like, huh?! Turns out she died in childbirth and she had twins. This is when Angela tells future Noah and Hiro that she had a dream Claire’s babies were going to save the world. She also tells Mohinder that Erica isn’t who she says she is, but he won’t hear of it… it was good to see Mohinder again… but man didn’t listen and he ends up dead.

That’s when Noah realizes why he erased his memory, to hide the children from Erica. He then begs Hiro to take them back in time because they need to be at least a teenager so that their power has manifested. So Hiro brings the babies back to 1999… those babies are Tommy and Malina.

I was like, holy crap! But anything is possible when it comes to this show.

Then future Noah goes after Erica, but present Noah sees himself and follows. Oh Noah, he tries to assassinate Erica but present Noah stops him… I thought he was going to completely ruin the future… but it actually explains how the future came to be.

It explains how Tommy, who’s really Nathan, but had to become Tommy when he gets his memory wiped to forget the first 15 years of his life, that he grew up with Hiro as his father (aw!) and that he’s going to save the world.

It explains how his twin sister came to be in the Arctic; they were both being kept far away from Erica because the moment Noah shot her, that changed everything.

When Noah gets back to the future, Quentin is surprisingly alive … and working with Erica so that he can have his sister back, oh boy. This is not going to be good.

As much as I haven’t really cared for the direction that this show has gone, I can’t help but watch because this show is still so captivating.

We spend the second half of the season watching Erica try to take down Evos and use them to move people she deems worthy enough to the future to start over humankind.

Meanwhile, we find out Carlos’ purpose. He’s friends, okay more like lovers, with Farah, the girl who was with Malina, trying to keep her safe. Carlos and Farah end up meeting up in Erica’s prison for Evos… where we meet Matt, oh Matt, the ending they gave this guy, man I feel sorry for him.

We find out that Matt has been working for Erica; he believes that he’s doing good work with her, she’s treated him well and doesn’t think anything she’s doing is wrong. When Taylor, Erica’s daughter shows up to start exposing her mother, he uses her as leverage to get what he wants… watches that will take him to the future.

When Erica finds out that Taylor is pregnant with a Evo’s baby, well this changes things. She provides the watches to Matt… who in the end dies in a car wreck trying to get back to his family… who have left him yet again. Geez Matt, didn’t learn the first time.

Once Erica and Taylor have some sort of weird heart to heart, Taylor would rather stay than start over in the future with her mother… I don’t really blame her.

Then we start getting these flashbacks… why 10 episodes in do we start seeing Erica’s past? Anyways, these flashbacks show young Erica whose father is dying and she lets an Evo save him… only the payback is he sleeps with her, and therefore that is how Taylor came to be. So I can see her hatred towards Evos in the sense that one abused her… but she’s taken that to the extreme by trying to eradicate them all.

We also find out that she’s trapped Micah in a glass container for her personal gain. When Carlos and Farah find him, they know they must free him in order to save people. They use his power with technology to broadcast a message to the world to show Erica’s true colours.

I also have to say it was so good to see Micah again, all grown up, he’s so cute!

The end is near and Erica is using Tommy to test run sending people to the future. It works, but time is running out and Tommy knows he has to find his sister to save everyone.

When he tries to escape, that’s when Erica traps him in the video game where he spends a lot of time re-learning his past and figuring out how to manipulate time and space and being in two places at once.

Meanwhile, Malina is trying to find Tommy. She’s with Quentin, Phoebe and Luke. Phoebe goes rouge, although no surprise there, Quentin no longer believes his sister is in there and leaves with Malina and Luke. They get to where they’re going but a solar flare is coming. Luke knows what his destiny is. He tells Malina, the reason she saved him was so that he can save her and he uses his sun ability to absorb the sun flare. But there’s still work to be done.

Quentin ends up having to shoot his sister because she tries to stop them, even when Quentin tries to explain that Erica isn’t coming back for her.

Malina tries to hold things off, but she needs Tommy. Well, it’s up to Ren and Miko to save him. I do like how this show doesn’t waste anything. They use every character and they bring them all in for a purpose.

Ren goes into the video game and is accompanied by the video game version of Miko (we finally meet the real Miko who she was based off of and she’s not really dead!) and together they fight to get Tommy.

Tommy then splits himself to be in two places at once, one with Malina who with the help of Noah (which I was wondering what happened to him, Tommy saved him and then Noah just disappeared) and together with their powers they blast the flare. I like Noah’s ending, he died fighting to save the world and save the Evos. As much as he was always a morally grey character in the end he was a good guy.

The other Tommy made sure Erica’s watch was off so that when he blasted everyone into the future, she wouldn’t be joining them.

We jump three months into the future and how does Quentin get arrested? Plus, who are Tommy and Malina’s father? Because he’s after them.

You know, I went into this season, reboot, whatever you want to call this, thinking that this was a sequel with an ending, not a reboot that got cancelled – so now I will NEVER KNOW the answers to my questions. I think I’m even more upset about this ending than I was to the original series.

I still liked the storytelling, I just wish I got some answers.

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