Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Bone Season

Hi friends, happy Thursday. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Samantha Shannon’s novel The Bone Season.

This is the first book in The Bone Season series.

The Bone Season

The Bone Season by: Samantha Shannon: Paige Mahoney has a gift and she uses them working in the criminal underworld to find information in people’s minds. Being a dreamwalker she knows that she is rare and special, but she’s not the only one who knows. Set in the future, 2059, there is a secret hidden world who want Paige for her powers. Paige must navigate through this new world to find out the truth and set not only herself, but others she’s grown close to free. This novel was incredible; it was fast-paced and full of non-stop action. The way Shannon weaved plots and created this world was truly amazing. The story was so well told; the reader was able to follow along, which was impressive from a first book in a fantasy series. The world building was gorgeous; the reader had a clear sense of the different roles and orders, which were all so intricately thought out. Even the flashbacks that she incorporated were done with ease and it flowed so well that it didn’t break the reader out of the overall story. Shannon truly created a masterpiece that let readers fall into the world, but it wasn’t just her world that was great but her characters as well. The characters stood out so much because they were bold, defiant and quite ruthless. That is what made for such a great story, the characters were so unpredictable that it made it hard to stop reading. This was an epic fantasy with imaginative writing and plots; the reader can’t wait to dive into the second book.

14 thoughts on “Review: The Bone Season

  1. I want to read it but I’m also nervous as heck! Because the series still isn’t finished right? I’m scared of that kind of lengthy commitment 😅😅😅🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂

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    1. Yeah no, only the first 3 have been written and published. According to the book it’s a 7 book series… BUT I’m so glad I started it because I really enjoyed reading it!
      Like I mean, you could wait until all the books are released 😅

      Liked by 1 person

      1. SEVEN! Oh no… can’t be dealing with that many books. Four haven’t even been written yet!! Nah… I can’t. I’ll wait another twenty years maybe 😂😂😂

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      2. 😂😂
        I feel you though, I’m probably going to be waiting a long time for the rest of the books, but I really enjoyed what I read of the first 3 so I don’t regret it!

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      3. I read the blurb on the fourth earlier today and damn I am intrigued. I WANNA READ THEM!! Gonna hate myself if I do though 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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