Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #44 ๐Ÿ—

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 645
On page 398

The Bachman Books; 69% of the way; I’m continuing with Roadwork, I just finished part 2 and Bart is still sitting with what he did but he’s not really doing anything to make his situation better. We get a glimpse more into his son and what happened to him, but Bart is still an unlikeable character.

Lastly, I’m reading The Heart Forger by: Rin Chupeco. I’m really enjoying this trilogy; there’s something about it that just hooks me and I just love reading it.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Lost in the Never Woods by: Aiden Thomas. I really liked this; I loved the vibe of this (did anyone else who read this get Twilight vibes from this?) and the story was interesting; I haven’t read Peter Pan in a very long time so this made me want to go back and reread it.

Goosebumps Books: (the last 2!)

The Barking Ghost This was interesting, a fun, silly story which wasn’t too spooky, the ending was kinda funny
The Haunted Mask II This held the same premise as the first novel; the ending was slightly different so the reader didn’t exactly know how it would end but overall it was a good spooky read

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #43 ๐Ÿ”ฎ

Review: A Stranger in Town

Let’s Talk About… Riverdale Season Five

Review: I’m Judging You

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

The Orangutan Librarian posted a funny post about books that make no sense โ€“ this was such a fun idea for a blog post

Lois @Lois Reads Books had a great post about going to the cinema alone โ€“ I loved reading about her experience because I love to do this!

This week was another quiet week for me. Halloween has come and gone; I didn’t do anything truly spooky, I watched a few horror movies (which you can read my thoughts below), finished my Goosebumps challenge โ€“ it’s only been a week but I miss reading one every day.

The only other exciting thing was I went to the library to pick up some new books for the next couple weeks!

What I’m watching:

The Good Doctor; season 5. Every week, when I come back to write about the previous episode, my first thought is what is the CEO trying to proof, like really? This week she’s asking a doctor on a date and it makes no sense, we have the old CEO leaving town which is freaking Shaun out… right before his wedding. I honestly didn’t really care for this episode.

YOU; season 3. I’m hoping to finish this up later tonight; wow this season has been twisty in ways I didn’t see coming. The whole working as a team Love and Joe have going on is interesting, but I hate how if someone does something to Love she doesn’t like, she automatically thinks to kill them and Joe is left to clean up her messes whether she kills them or not. Like, girl, get it together. Oh and their neighbour is craaazy, and his step son is wild.

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 1. Remember when TV shows had 22-25 episodes per season? Yeah, I’m still chugging away at this… but I’m also glad that these are long because this show is only 4 seasons long and I want it to last as long as possible because I’m in love. There are some really cringy plots and some very ridiculous things that happen, but I’m over here laughing my butt off because it’s so cheesy. I find myself saying, who wrote this?!

Twelve Forever; season 1. This poor show has been sitting in my Netflix queue just waiting to be watched. I thought I’d finish the rest of this off in one night (the eps are 12-14 minutes long) but there were more here than I thought, so that didn’t happen; this show can be so wholesome and it’s such a palate cleanser.

What I’ve watched:

Beetlejuice; re-watch. I’ve been meaning to rewatch this since it came to Netflix. 1) I didn’t know Alec Baldwin was in this 2) I didn’t realize how over sexualized they made Beetlejuice. I mean, watching it as a kid you don’t think anything of it, but BAM watching it as an adult I was like oh uh this is weird. I still like premise of the movie though.

Eli; This has been on my list since last October and I wanted to like this because it sounded cool, the idea was solid, but this just didn’t hold my attention… at all. This kid is sick of everything and so his parents take him to a doctor who is supposed to fix him by injecting a poison into his bone marrow so that his body can fight it off, only it hasn’t worked yet and she’s killed a bunch of children. Creepy, but yeah I had a hard time trying to pay attention.

The Devil All The Time; Another movie that’s been on my list since last year. I was excited about this one because it had Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson (who my god his accident was SO bad in this) and Bill Skarsgรฅrd I love all of them, but this movie was really slow. I’m glad I had it on in the background because I don’t think I would have been able to watch all 2+ hours of this otherwise.

Chapelwaite; season 1/limited series. I’m not sure if this is actually going to come back because 1) of the way it ended, it felt very final and 2) it was based off a short story so they really don’t have more material to pull from. I mean, for what it was it was a good, creepy adaption of Stephen King’s story, Jerusalem’s Lot… I may write a whole post on it, I haven’t decided just yet. I did like it though.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

7 thoughts on “Weekly Update #44 ๐Ÿ—

  1. Hello twilight vibes from lost in the never woods!?!?!? Yeah now Iโ€™m interested lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    Ah Enterprise was very good in a good old fashioned telly drama kind of way. Definitely had a stronger start than Voyager or The Next Generation. Tโ€™pol was totally a Vulcan version of Seven of Nine initially but she developed nicely as a character. Loved Tuck too. The theme tune is the cheesiest EVER but that made me love it all the more. Be prepared though that the last season has a super rushed finish because they struggled to wrap it up satisfactorily once they heard it was cancelled. Iโ€™m still salty about it ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah! I don’t know if I’m the only who felt that way about Lost in the Never Woods but it as really moody, dark in the forest vibes!

      Omg someone to talk Star Trek with!!! You have no idea how excited I am! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜Š
      Interesting and good to know as I haven’t watched anything Star Trek other than Enterprise, this is my starting point and I’m in freakin’ love! I love T’pol, I love her characterization and the way we see her growing as a character, she’s really well written. OMG I am IN LOVE with Tripp, someone save me! ๐Ÿ˜‚
      HA! The theme song makes me giggle every time it comes up… sometimes I sing along just as dramatically because it’s too hard not to ๐Ÿ˜‚ The first time I heard it, it evoked memories from my childhood because my mom watched this when it first aired. I’m not prepared to get to the end (I mean, I know that I’m only in season 1 but I know I’m going to be very sad once I get to the end) but I’m already excited to rewatch it ๐Ÿ˜‚


      1. I grew up on a diet of Star Trek and a whole bunch of sci fi shows ….along with ER ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

        The Next Generation came out when I was a little kid, and me and my eldest siblings all watched it together every week. There was one cliffhanger episode that we waited on for aaaaages. And when the follow up was aired we were at my grannyโ€™s so we set the video recorder. When we came home the video had eaten the tape and it was unwatchable. I DID NOT GET TO SEE THAT FOLLOW UP EPISODE FOR ABOUT FIVE YEARS UNTIL RERUNS AIRED. Iโ€™m so grateful we now live in the world of the internet where streaming is a truly wonderful gift. Iโ€™m still traumatised that I was robbed seeing that episode when it aired here. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

        TNG holds a special place in my heart and Iโ€™ll always call it my fav, but objectively the best Star Trek series beginning to end is probably Deep Space Nine because it had a story arc that was really satisfactorily told over all of the seasons. Voyager was a good bit of fun too but got much better when Seven was brought in. Although they did her dirty in those last few episodes if you ask me. But thatโ€™s a rant for another day lol!

        Enterprise was just beginning to find its feet I felt when boom, cancellation. Such a shame. But I really liked how they explored some of the Star Trek lore.

        I tried watching some of the more recent Star Trek series but Iโ€™m ambivalent about them. I quit Discovery after about three episodes (I mean maybe Iโ€™ll watch it some day), and I still havenโ€™t finished watching the first series of Picard because it just draaaaaaaaaged ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ But also I just donโ€™t watch much telly anymore. I seem to have lost my taste for serialised dramas. All I watch are sports, variety shows, and quizzes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh no! That sounds horrible that 1) the tape got eaten and 2) you had to wait so long for the final episode. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

        I’ve heard that Deep Space Nine is highly ranked… yes I did read a lot of articles on the rankings of the TV shows. ๐Ÿ˜… I was curious because I wanted to know where Enterprise landed… because I knew if I loved it everyone else didn’t… and I was pretty much right ๐Ÿ˜‚ Next to the animated series, Enterprise is at the top of most lists as one of the ‘worst’. I also read that when it started it was geared towards people who weren’t interested in Star Trek and they were trying to gain a new audience with it… and I have to say, they got me! I’m excited to watch Deep Space Nine because next to the original series and the Next Generation, that was high at the top of lists… can you tell I’ve become sorta obsessed? ๐Ÿ˜‚

        After I finish Enterprise (that makes me sad to type ๐Ÿ˜…) Discovery is next in chronological order based on the Star Trek world, which is how I’m watching it. I can’t remember where Picard falls, but good to know to be prepared for a slow storyline!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I mean itโ€™s a surprise to me that people didnโ€™t like Enterprise ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Guess Iโ€™m a Trekkie that marches to her own drumbeat ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

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