Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: This Savage Song

Hi friends, happy Monday. I hope everyone is doing well. I can’t believe that I’m at the anniversary of working at home. It’s crazy to think that I’m still, a year later working at home. Who would have though? Not me.
Today I’m going to be posting my review of the first novel in the Monsters of Verity duology, This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab.

This Savage Song

This Savage Song by: Victoria Schwab: After being tossed aside for years, Kate is finally going home to prove to her father she can be a monster just like him. On the flipside, August is a monster and all he wants is to be human. When the two meet, monsters are after Kate and it’s August who teams up to help her to keep their pact with the humans intact. This was an compelling story. The novel started off slow and the reader wasn’t quite sure where the story was going to go. Once the story really got started, about a quarter of the way in, plots started to pick up and this became a fast-paced novel. There were twists and turns throughout that engaged the reader and the characters definitely piqued their interest with the level of backstory Schwab gave them. The reader really enjoyed the fact that these two characters stayed platonic friends throughout the novel which felt refreshing to read. This world had so much potential to be amazing, but it fell a little flat for the reader. Yes, the story was fast-paced but it felt like it could have been developed a little more. The characters for the most part were fascinating, as they had so much backstory and history but it just felt like we were scratching the surface with their potential. The way this novel ended left the reader with enough intrigue to see what the sequel is all about. All in all, this was a decent novel that was entertaining, just missing that wow factor.

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