
I Should Have Read That Book Tag II

Hi friends, I hope everyone is having a good Tuesday. Today I’ll be doing the I Should Have Read That book tag. I was tagged by Laurie @Read Between the Skylines, thank you so much! Laurie is such a kind book blogger with awesome book reviews; if you’re not following her, you totally should! ๐Ÿ™‚

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you and link back to their post.
  • Link to theย creatorโ€™s blogย in your post
  • Answer the questions below
  • Tag 10 others to take part in the tag
  • Enjoy the tag!

A book that a certain friend is always telling you to read

Many people have told me that The Night Circus by: Erin Morgenstern is a-mazing… one day I’ll get around to it… (I keep saying that).

A book thatโ€™s been on your TBR forever and yet you still havenโ€™t read it

Now that I’ve been home for three months I have to say I’ve really powered through the books on my shelves. I’m going to say Scythe by: Neal Shusterman. I can’t wait for the library to open back up so I can read this!

A book in a series youโ€™ve started, but havenโ€™t gotten around to finishing

Too many?

I need to read The Secret Commonwealth by: Philip Pullman the second book in the Book of Dust trilogy. I want to try reading the second book in Three Dark Crowns series by: Kendare Blake.
I’m sure there are many more… I just can’t think of them right now. I should get on that and make a list.

A classic youโ€™ve always liked the sound of, but have never actually read

Most of them? I have to say, I’m really interested in reading Sherlock Holmes… I just haven’t read it yet. I’m sure I would like it, I like mystery… why haven’t I picked it up?!

A popular book that it seems everyone but you has read

I always say it, but Throne of Glass series by: Sarah J. Maas. I haven’t read this, and I have no intention of reading it, but everyone, it seems, has read it.

A book that inspired a film/TV adaptation that you really love, but just havenโ€™t picked up yet

I’m going to say the same thing as Laurie, Outlander by: Diana Gabaldon. Now, I haven’t seen the TV show either, but there is something about these books that I see everywhere and I’ve had dreams about starting to read it… I honestly should.

A book you see all over Instagram but havenโ€™t picked up yet

Right now between Instagram and Twitter I’ve seen Felix Ever After by: Kacen Callender. My copy is on its way to my house. I can’t wait to dive into that story!


I’m just going to tag a few people. If tags aren’t your thing go ahead and skip it. If you want to participate and haven’t been tagged, feel free to join in!

Sara | Rachel | Jas | Shivi |

19 thoughts on “I Should Have Read That Book Tag II

  1. There are quite a few audiobooks of Arthur Conan Doyle’s work; it might be worthwhile to listen to the story if physically reading the book feels a little daunting. I have personally listened to a few good audiobooks featuring Holmes, and really enjoyed them during a long-ish worktime commute (pre-COVID, of course).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s an idea, thank you! I haven’t really ventured into audiobooks but this sounds kinda interesting.
      I’m glad to hear that you’ve listened to some great Holmes books! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Oh my gosh… I have no words… I’ve started and stopped typing because wow! 70 series, HOLY!
      Here is where I say good luck with trying to prioritize that… and maybe I shouldn’t make a list ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know… ๐Ÿ˜€ Lots of them will be DNFd that’s for sure. I think the number is that high because I always get excited about new series coming out every year, request the ARCs on NetGalley and then don’t enjoy them enough to continue. So I think at least half will be a “no”. But the other half… And that’s not counting the book series I started this year. Lol
        I feel like 2021 will be THE year of book series for me ๐Ÿ˜€

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh boy! You have a big project ahead of you! At least you know that a bunch of them you can say goodbye to and it’ll make to stay on track.
        I wish you luck on your quest! ๐Ÿ™‚

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  2. Meghaaaan I’m so happy you did the tag! I personally got a bit bored and confused while reading the Night Circus, so in my opinion, you’re not missing much ^^ Scythe is AMAZING and Throne of Glass is worth reading (though I liked it less than the ACOTAR series).
    Haha, at least I’m not the only one for Outlander xD

    I see Felix Ever After everywhere lately as well and I can’t wait to read it as well ๐Ÿ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! I had fun doing it, so thank you again for tagging me! ๐Ÿ™‚
      You’ve got to be the first person to tell me that the Night Circus is nothing special. I keep saying I’ll read it, but I don’t actually know if I will!
      Ah, see, while I enjoyed ACOTAR it’s not enough to get me to read ToG series, and when you say you liked it less, only leaves it less appealing! ๐Ÿ˜…

      Yay! I’ve heard nothing but AMAZING things about Felix, so it’ll definitely be worth the wait! ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I feel the same way about classics! A lot of them sound good, so I don’t know why I haven’t picked one up? I’ve seen Felix Ever After everywhere too, but haven’t read it. I don’t even know exactly what the book is about, but it has such a beautiful cover!
    This looks like such a fun tag! Thank you for tagging me ๐Ÿ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Classics, I find, are daunting to me because some I can read no problem, others are just so dense!
      Oh! I believe Felix is about a transgender teen trying to figure out who he is and his identity and self-love. I’m excited to dive in once my copy arrives!
      You’re welcome! I look forward to reading your post! ๐Ÿ™‚

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