Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Not if I See You First

Hello! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Eric Lindstrom’s novel Not if I See You First.

Not if I See You First

Not if I See You First by: Eric Lindstrom: Parker has created rules to live by since becoming blind; break one of those rules and there will be no second chances, her friend Scott can attest to this. After breaking her heart, he reappears almost three years later and now Parker is left to pick up the pieces of their relationship. The plot was cute and refreshing to read; not only because of the main character, but because it dealt with everything she had to overcome as a blind person. This novel did a good job showing the true meaning of friendship, and the true meaning of loss and love. It could be so sad at times, yet so uplifting as well. Lindstrom’s characters are so vivid and bold that they are unforgettable; even though Parker is blind her character is just so well rounded, strong and brought to life. The pacing was also really well done, the reader just breezed through this. This novel really dove into what it’s like to see things, and really see things because sometimes people are blind to the most obvious things.

3 thoughts on “Review: Not if I See You First

  1. Great review, and oh this sounds like a really interesting book as well. I haven’t actually read a story with a blind character before (unless you count the Zeroes series which I kind of half do because the character is blind but can still see using her power, it’s kind of complicated) so it’s great to see that represented here, and it sounds like it was a good read too.
    Again great review. 🙂 ❤

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