Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #6 β£οΈ

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 52
On page 389
On page 249

The Dead Zone: I’m 9% of the way through; I started my next Stephen King read this week and the opening prologue was interesting and very intriguing… then chapter one was really long and I didn’t really care for the way King described Sarah, I am still interested to continue.

The Return of the King: I’m 65% of the way through; I have officially finished reading the trilogy and I loved it, such a great ending. Now I’ve decided to read the Appendix and I thought it was going to be boring, but I’m actually really enjoying reading it. I just wish I had more time to read it!

Lastly, I’m reading Stygian by: Sherrilyn Kenyon. I’m catching up on her Dark Hunter series, this is the latest release and it’s a big boy, 600+ pages. I’m almost at the halfway point and it’s been good; a lot of characters to keep track of, but it’s been good.

What I’ve Read:

The only book I read this past week was The Toll by: Neal Shusterman. I liked this book, I didn’t love it like I did the first two but I still really enjoyed this. The ending was interesting, not what I was expecting, but I didn’t hate it. I still need to write my review… πŸ˜…

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #5πŸ’•

Review: Swing Time

Let’s Talk About… Dear White People Season Three

Review: Scythe

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Nyx @Drizzle and Hurricane Books talked about romance in YA and I agree with everything she talked about!
Ashley @Falling Down the Book Hole created a list of books to read during Black History Month
CW @The Quiet Pond also created a list of books to read during Black History Month; I’ve read quite a few of these and there are also some I need to read and have now added to my TBR
Elsie @Elsie LMC showed off some of her new Coraline candles and omg they are the cutest!

Another week gone by; my life feels very monotonous. I have to say though, we’ve had a lot of sun this week so that’s a plus!

A few positives from this week:
– sunshine!
– I had a whole day to myself and it felt great! Quarantine life doesn’t make for much alone time.

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 4. I’m continue to chug along these season… Dean is sorta back as he’s working at the Inn… I swear this re-watch is making me realize that I’m actually Team Dean πŸ˜±πŸ˜…πŸ’•

One Tree Hill; season 2. My DVDs are still giving me a problem, le sigh. I can feel the Lucas/Brooke/Peyton love triangle brewing again. I’ve really liked seeing Andy though, I forgot how much I love him as a character.

Carmen Santiago; season 3. Recently I saw that season 4 came out so I realized it was time for a catch up. I love how this season is focused around Halloween and learning about the different cultures and how they celebrate this time of the year. I love how this show focuses on learning while also going on heists. SO GOOD!

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. Sometimes I don’t know why I watch this show – there is so much second-hand embarrassment, and yet I can’t stop laughing. It’s like watching improv because sometimes it seems like the actors don’t know what is going to happen next and that makes this great.

This is Us; season 5. This came back last week after a few weeks hiatus and we got to see a little behind the relationship between Kevin and his father, as he’s about to become a father himself. Now I can’t wait for next week to see what’s going to happen.

What I’ve watched:

ER; season 15. I did it – after 3 years I made it through all 15 seasons of ER and now I’m sad and don’t know what to watch. This show was just so good! This show isn’t completely gone from my life as I have write-ups for the seasons that I plan to post in the coming weeks.

Schitt’s Creek; season 2. That season finale!! Omg that was the serotonin that I needed – I actually squealed, like who am I? John actually defends the town, and that party was just so fun and cute. As I was watching it all I could think was I just want to re-watch this!

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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