Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #7 💝

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 80
On page 428
On page 17

The Dead Zone: I’m 15% of the way through; we’re getting to know secondary characters that will, maybe, give us more about the kind of person the main character is. It’s been fast-paced and I’m in anticipation with what is going to happen next.

The Return of the King: I’m 72% of the way through; I don’t even know why I update this weekly… I feel like I’ve been making no progress, but the Appendix has been a really in-depth read.

Lastly, I’m reading Ever the Brave by: Erin Summerill. I started this earlier today, and as you can see, I’m not very far. I enjoyed the first book in this trilogy and so I’m excited to continue!

What I’ve Read:

I finished this massive book; Stygian by: Sherrilyn Kenyon. This was a good addition to her Dark Hunter series. I’m happy to be up-to-date with this series.

I also finished Wild Beauty by: Anna-Marie McLemore. It was such a beautiful story – I wasn’t sure I was going to like this book, but it really came through!

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #6❣️

Review: The Priory of the Orange Tree

Review: Last Seen

Evermore Book Tag

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Em/Zainab @Em’s Bookish Musings had guests talk about Black joy for The Black Experience series on her blog this talked of the importance of Black joy and it was such a great read; the video was also great to watch and shared some great recommendations for Black joy. Another guest talked about the dehumanization of Black characters and this was another great post; honestly all the posts in this series have been really, really good and definitely worth the read
CW @The Quiet Pond shared book recommendations on Black Queer books to read and so many of these books are on my TBR
Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books gave 5 ways to support book bloggers and it was such a great read because bloggers always seem to get the short end of the stick in the blogging community

This was last Sunday now, but I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day and that you spent the day sharing/spreading the love, however way that looks for you. Valentine’s Day is my brother’s birthday so I spent the day with my family (like pretty much every day in quarantine 😅). We started the day with ordering breakfast and eating together and ending the day with cake!
I also decided during the long weekend to try my hand at making my own dough from scratch… oooh boy was I not prepared for how hard it can be… and then don’t get me started on rolling the dough! In the end I made (interesting looking) cinnamon rolls – photo is below.

A few positives from this week:
– cake! I got to eat cake and that always makes me happy
– I made a trip to the library, yay more books!
– I ended my week getting Starbucks – I haven’t done that since last year!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 4. I think I watched 1 or 2 episodes this past week – we get the ep where Rory and Paris go to Florida for Spring Break which was a pretty fun episode.

One Tree Hill; season 3. I started the next season on my re-watch; this is my favourite season of the show ever, so I’m curious to see if I still feel that way. The DVD issues I experienced last season are continuing… curse you DVDs! What I’ve noticed after the first 5 eps is that even though they all look older than teens, for the most part, Peyton looks like a true teen this season. I don’t know if it’s her wardrobe, or the way she reacts to all the drama in her life but she just feels like a true teen. Then there’s Brooke who, when I watched this as a teen, I thought it was romantic to expect Lucas to just *know* what she wants, but now I’m just really annoyed by that, like no, it’s called communication. Rant over. 😅

Orange is the New Black; season 1. I started this the other day. I’ve always wanted to watch it so here we are. So far, I’m intrigued. We’ll see how it goes, I’m finding that the main character isn’t that likeable so I’m hoping that changes.

The Good Doctor; season 4. This came back this week and I really liked the representation they had in this episode. From POC to trans gender patients, I really like how the episode played out.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. Another solid episode this week, spider scares and meeting the parents – I always end up bursting out laughing.

This is Us; season 5. This week’s episode was good; aside from all the babies being born, I like how they gave a storyline to Nasir Ahmed an electrical engineer/computer scientist who helped in the creation of how we communicate today, it was really interesting and informative.

What I’ve watched:

One Tree Hill; season 2. I never really noticed (or maybe I have) how awkward the finale is. It’s – I think, I can’t remember if the series finale was a 2-hour finale – the only season with a 2-hour finale and it felt all over the place. Some parts in the first half feel so final, yet the second half feel thrown in and then you have the hints dropped for season 3, it’s just a mess!

Carmen Santiago; season 3 & 4. I loved both of these seasons – season 4 felt a little rushed at the end, and it wasn’t until the last 5 minutes of the last episode that I realized it was the final season. I felt so sad! It was a really nice ending but I totally want more.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

5 thoughts on “Weekly Update #7 💝

  1. Oh my god. I just saw One Tree Hill the other day as well and that annoyed me A LOT, too 😅 I’ve always loved Brooke and Lucas, but yeah, sometimes they need to communicate and ugh, frustrating hahaha.
    Thank you so much for sharing my post! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Right?! It drove me mad when she tells him she wants him to fight for her (which if you ask me, he was already doing!) and when he says ‘how was I supposed to know’ and she responds with ‘you just are’ UHHHHHH!!! Communication! Like I said, I thought it was cute when I was a teen, but now I’m like puh-lease!

      You’re very welcome! 💕


  2. Omg, your post made me think about One Tree Hill! 💜 It used to be my favourite show back when I was in high school and I’ve been wanting to watch it again. I guess I’ll do that tonight lol! 😂

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