Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #5 πŸ’•

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 347
On page178

The Return of the King: I’m 58% of the way through; I’m almost at the end (despite showing that I’m at 58%) I’m still undecided if I’m going to read the Appendix…

Lastly, I’m reading The Toll by: Neal Shusterman. I love this trilogy and I’m just not ready for this to be over.

What I’ve Read:

This week I finally finished Night Shift by: Stephen King. I enjoyed a fair amount of the short stories, some were not my cup of tea, some where horrible, but there were a good deal of them that I also enjoyed. The endings to most of these stories were really good though.

I also finished The Secret of a Heart Note by: Stacey Lee. The book inside was just as cute as the cover. I enjoyed reading this; the plot was so unique and the characters were sweet.

Lastly, I finished Five Days of Famous by: Alyson NoΓ«l and this just disappointed me. There was nothing really special about this, it was really predictable and the characters came off as super whiny. I know they were tweens but still, ugh. I was so looking forward to a middle grade book too.

And since I’m not doing a monthly wrap up this year (which feels weird!) I read a total of 10 books and 3,500 pages.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #4 🌬

Review: Follow Me

Review: A Sin Such as This

The Stephen King Project: Night Shift Short Stories Collection

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Em/Zainab @Em’s Bookish Musings has a series running on her blog for Black History Month: The Black Experience that I’m really excited to read what’s to come. The first guest post by Viano Oniomoh on writing for the black perspective was such a good read – I can’t recommend it enough
Beth @Books Nest wrote a post about Instagram Reel ideas which is helpful when trying to figure out how to make a good reel

Welcome to the first week of February… and man, this month did not start off right. Everything just feels so sad? No matter where I turn, I feel like everyone is living in their own sad. I can only hope that next week will be better.

A few positives from this week:
– the only thing I can think of is after 4 days without hockey, we came back and won 7-3 last night, so much fun to watch!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 4. I honestly don’t remember this season clearly. I don’t remember Jess coming back just to tell Rory he loves her! But I do like that we get to finally meet his mom; I love Liz and TJ!

One Tree Hill; season 2. So my DVDs have not been working and it’s making re-watching this SO hard. But Chris Keller has arrived and as much as he’s such a shit-disturber I love his character. And JAKE is back, I love Jake. Naley is falling apart for the first time and that always breaks my heart… but this re-watch I’m really seeing how selfish Nathan is (yes I know he’s only like 17!).

ER; season 15. Yes, yes I will be crying all the way to the end. CARTER is back! I love him SO much, my fave of the show… but the reason he’s back… 😭😭

Schitt’s Creek; season 2. I got a good chunk into season 2 and I love how Moria is running for council – hilarious! And Mutt (yeah, that’s his character name) shaved his beard and I went “OMG I KNOW WHERE HE’S FROM” he played the older music producer guy on the show Instant Star – now I want to go back and re-watch that.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. This week’s episode was fun, yet serious. Mrs. Kim has MS and watching her try to deal with it as well as Janet trying to help her, heartbreaking.

What I’ve watched:

I finished watching the Children of the Corn movies, I watched Children of the Corn (2009) and Genesis. I’m so glad to be finished them all!

My latest Instagram posts!

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